  • 期刊


A Study on the Attacking Ability of Spiking in College Male Volleyball Teams of Various Grades




排球選手 扣球 攻擊能力


This study was aimed at investigating the differences in the attacking techniques among the players of College Male Volleyball Teams of various grades through the comparisons on (1) the attacking speed, (2) the ability to control the attacking point, (3) the variations in attacking speed and control ability. This study was performed through literature reviews, testing design, statistical analysis and discussion. The results drawn from this analysis are as follows: (a)Eight players of the Enterprise Male Volleyball League show better ability to control the attacking point than other forty players who do not attend the league game. In addition, a great significance (P<.05) is found in this analysis, which shows that the proposed testing method can sift the best players.(b)The ability to control attacking point for players of top grade is better than the players of second and third grades (c)No apparent difference in the control ability of attacking point is found between the players of second and third grades. This may be due to that the subject rating scale proposed in this study can not effectively distinguish the attacking skill of the players. (d)There is no significant difference in attacking speed between the players of first and second grades, which can be ascribed to the fact that the players lessen the attack speed to acquire the accurate attacking position.


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