  • 期刊


Kotekan and Taksu: The Essential Spirits of Balinese Arts and Their Influences on Performing Arts




Kotekan and taksu are essential spirits and aesthetic ideologies connected to both Balinese arts and social life. They have been accepted as types of required spiritual energies for maintaining and promoting traditional culture and life in Bali. Kotekan, literally meaning "interlocking," refers to the interlocking patterns of melody and rhythm which is a musical element characterizing most music genres from Bali. It also embodies manners of interdependence and cooperation beyond its musical practice. In addition to interlocking melody and rhythm, the concept of kotekan is also manifested through spacial settings and in communal life in Bali. Taksu, referring to a divine spirit or spiritual power, can be interpreted as praying for a spiritual energy from gods to achieve a successful performance. Taksu is an essential spiritual power for actively inciting art creativity and aesthetic expression in Bali. In Bali, the spirit of kotekan and taksu are accomplished by mutual cooperation, being reverent and modest, and manifested through aesthetic beauty. The common points of kotekan and taksu are manners of modesty and the state of unity, in other words, pursuing a unity of community or harmonization between human beings and a deity. Kotekan relies on mutual respect and cooperation to unite community members and thus reaching communal solidarity. Taksu, however, focuses on the need to be reverent and modest in order to achieve a harmonious beauty between human beings and a deity. With the aid and strength from kotekan and taksu, Balinese people have built up a harmonious, communal life and a prosperous world of arts and culture. This paper, based on the ideas of kotekan and taksu, focuses on Balinese gamelan, kecak and their social context. Furthermore, the interaction and relationships among Balinese music, ideology and society are explored for understanding the core spirit of Balinese arts and social life and their influences on aesthetics and the development of the performing arts.


李婧慧(2014)。巴里島中烏布村(Desa Ubud Tengah)婦女克差(Kecak Wanita)之性別與創新問題探究。關渡音樂學刊。20,67-83。
