  • 期刊


A Study on the Sanskrit Sounds of Pu-An Zhou: Reconstruction of Shi Tan Zhang in Wu Zhi Zhai Qinpu




普庵咒 悉曇章 釋談章 悉曇五類聲 琴譜


Pu-An Zhou (the incantation of Monk Pu-An) can be traced back to the time earlier than Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), when Monk Pu-An (1115-1169) was alive. Although the present guqin score of Pu-An Zhou can only date back to the Ming Dynasty (1369-1644), it was likely composed and passed down by Monk Pu-An in the Song Dynasty. In the guqin song of Pu-An Zhou, the lyric of the first sentence starts with the sound ka; the sounds ca, ta, ta, and pa appear in the beginning of the following four sentences. These are the five basic guttural, palatal, retroflex, dental and labial consonants in Siddham (a written form of Sanskrit). Pu-An Zhou has a simple structure to follow. Thus, it served as a chant for people to learn Siddhaj in the past. The present study investigates the Siddhaj sounds of Pu-An Zhou. Singing the dhāranī (ritual speech or mantra) in Pu-An Zhou in the language of Sanskrit can produce a great energy of resonance waves of sounds which allows one to resonate harmoniously with all things in the universe. The merits and virtues are unfathomable. The pronunciation of Siddham in this paper was instructed by Acarya Shi Yiji, and the guqin score based on Shi Tan Zhang in Wu Zhi Zhai Qinpu was reconstructed and played and sung in Sanskrit by the writer of the study.


唐般剌蜜帝譯《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》。《大正藏》T19, no. 945。
唐般若共牟尼室利譯,《守護國界主陀羅尼經》〈陀羅尼功德軌儀品9〉。《大正藏》T19, no. 997。
梁寶亮等集《大般涅槃經集解》《大正藏》T37, no. 1763。
宋子璿集《首楞嚴義疏注經》。《大正藏》T39, no. 1799。
宋紹隆等編《圓悟佛果禪師語錄》。《大正藏》T47, no. 1997。
