  • 期刊


Application of Kano Model to the Service Quality of School Sports Area


本研究目的主要是探討學校運動場區之服務品質,以國立雲林科技大學運動場區使用者為研究對象,人數共計208人。研究工具為運動場區服務品質調查問卷,並採用二維模式歸類使用者對學校運動場區服務品質之屬性。研究結果發現,在二十五項服務品質要素中包含一項一元品質、二項當然品質及二十一項無差異品質,一項一元與當然品質要素因百分比相同而並列,藉此可知並非所有服務品質都為一維模式。品質歸類後再運用顧客滿意係數(customer satisfaction coefficient, CS)的品質改善指標公式,計算增加滿意指標與降低不滿意指標,最後,運用四象限圖找出各題項之服務品質滿意與不滿意的程度大小,作為改善服務品質先後順序之決策依據。本研究結果發現「從事運動時,會讓我有安全感」、「能獲得正確的資訊」、「服務人員樂意幫助我」、「服務人員忙碌時仍會回應」、「服務人員是有禮貌的」「器材設備具備高度安全性」、「服務人員有解決問題的能力」、「器材借用便利」等要素是影響學校運動場區服務品質之重要因素。根據結果,本研究結論透過四象限圖的分佈可知,第一象限亦可同時增加滿意指標與降低不滿意指標,為影響學校運動場區服務品質之關鍵,並針對學校運動場區之服務品質提供相關之管理意涵,亦對未來相關研究提出建議。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the service quality of the school sports area. The target group for this survey focused on the users of the sports area of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, totaled 208. Questionnaires of service quality for sports area were designed and the Kano Model was applied to clarifying the attributes of the service quality. The results indicated that twenty-five elements were found, one classified as a one-dimension quality, two defined as the must-be quality and twenty-one attributed to the indifferent quality and one were equally ranked in both onedimension quality and the must-be quality due to the same percentage. Therefore, the study proved that not all the service qualities were fulfilled only with the elements of the one-dimension quality. After clarifying the elements of the service quality, customer satisfaction coefficient model was used to calculate the satisfaction increment index (SII) and dissatisfaction decrement index (DDI). The quadrant diagram was applied to for the purpose of calculating the average rankings for each SII and DDI to improve the service quality of school sports area. As a result, the survey indicated as follows: it was easy to have the sense of security during exercise; appropriate information was easy to acquire; staffs were willing to give a hand; staffs were ready to make good response to people in need even though they were busy; staffs showed courtesy and had the ability to solve the problems; the safety of the supplied equipment was guaranteed; it was convenient to get access to the equipment. The above factors played important roles in the attributes of the service quality. The conclusion of the research was drawn that the diagram one was the key point in affecting the service quality of the sports area for it could both increase SII and decrease DDI. Hence, suggestions based on managerial meanings were made to improve the service quality of the sports area and recommendations for further studies were also discussed.
