  • 期刊



本研究旨在了解新竹市高中職乙級籃球代表隊教練領導行為之現況,並分析不同背景變項之籃球選手對於教練領導行為之差異情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,以新竹市參加106學年度全國高中乙級籃球聯賽之籃球選手為研究對象,男子選手136人、女子選手70人,共206人。以研究者修編「高中職乙級籃球代表隊教練領導行為量表」作為研究工具,將所得之所有資料以描述性統計、Hotelling t檢定、單因子多變量變異數分析等統計方法分析後,獲得研究結果如下:一、新竹市高中職乙級籃球代表隊教練領導行為之現況以訓練與指導為主。二、新竹市高中職乙級籃球代表隊不同訓練天數及組訓對教練領導行為有差異。建議教練參與研習,以提升專業知能,並且妥善規劃訓練時間,來協助球員成長。而在未來研究對象可針對不同層級,區域或變項,研究方式可以質性或質性及量化並進方式進行研究,使研究結果更具參考價值。


The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of coach leadership behavior in the senior High School Division II basketball team of Hsinchu City, and to analyze the differences in coach leadership behavior among basketball players with different background variables. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted using Hsinchu City as the research object for the basketball players of the Senior High School Division II Basketball League in the 106 academic year. There were 136 male and 70 female players, totaling 206. A research tool was compiled by the researcher for the "Coach leadership behavior strength table for senior Division II basketball team." All data obtained were described by descriptive statistics, Hotelling T-test, one-way MANOVA. The results were as listed: 1. The coach leadership behavior of the senior High School Division II basketball team of Hsinchu City was mainly based on training and instruction. 2. The different training days and organization and training of senior High School Division II basketball team in Hsinchu City had different coach leadership behavior. The study suggests that participate in the conference and properly plan training time are needed for coaches in order to improve their professional knowledge and help players grow. Future studies can extend to other levels, districts or other factors; and qualitative or combine of quality and quantitative studies can be conducted simultaneously.
