  • 期刊


Phonetic Comparisons between the Northern and Southern Guānhuà during the Late Ching Dynasty and the Early Republic of China


近代官話所反映的語音現象是現代漢語研究的重要課題,而研究近代官話的材料多半還是集中在反映近代語音現象的韻書、韻圖和其他一些不成系統的語言記錄上,通過這些材料的歸納整理和內部音韻格局的規律運作來擬音,才能具體的解釋相關問題。但是擬音的不同卻會直接的影響到對某些問題的看法,所以有了實際的語音材料,可以更確切的掌握音系的內容,而不至於有預先的判斷來影響問題的導向。 《官話萃珍》一書是美國人Chauncey Goodrich(富善)在1889年所編,The Naking Kuan Hua.(《南京官話》)是德國人Hemeling, K在1909年所編。這兩本書是接近實際語音的材料,本文擬通過這兩份材料音系的整理,並和其他相關材料作比較,希望能進一步說明清末民初南、北官話語音的差異內容。


官話 近代音


The phonetic feature as reflected in the modern times Guānhuà has been a crucial topic in the study of Mandarin Chinese. Investigations in this area have been conducted through the use of materials such as rime books, rime charts, or other unsystematic linguistic records. These materials mirror the distinctive features of phonetic systems in modern age. Only through sorting out this type of materials and making sound reconstruction can researchers achieve a concrete explanation for the questions to be solved. Further, the different ways researchers reconstruct sounds may impact our perspectives of certain issues. It is accordingly important to have concrete phonetic data in hand, which enables researchers to have a firmer grasp of different phonetic systems and prevents them from being disoriented by presumptions. This article intended to characterize the phonetic distinctions between the Northern and Southern Guānhuà during the late Ching Dynasty. To this end, the author adopted two Chinese linguistics books and other related phonetic data to build up the base for comparison and analysis. The books include first The Selective Gems of Guānhuà, a year 1889 publication by Chaunncey Goodrich, who is native to the US. Zhen-seng Geng (1992) honored this book as an academic piece that records faithfully a phonetic system highly resembling the Beijing dialect. Another book is The Nanjing Guānhuà, which was edited by the German scholar K. Hemeling in 1909. The phonetic system portrayed in Hemeling's comes closer to that in The New Testament of Guānhuà by Dien-cheng Huang (1993). It is hoped that the findings could provide a different way to account for the phonetic features.


