  • 期刊


On the Reconstruction and Sound Changes of Ancient Chinese: A Diachronic Perspective on Phonetic Components




Based on the relationship of phonetic components in ancient Chinese scripts, the purpose of this study is to illuminate the changing history of phonetic components. The resources of ancient Chinese scripts include the Oracle bone script (Jiaguwen, 甲骨文), Chinese bronze inscriptions (Jinwen, 金文), bamboo and silk scripts (Jianbowenzhi, 簡帛文字), and the Ancient Seals (Xiyin, 璽印). This study analyses those scripts using the phonetic systems of Wang Li (王力), Li Fang-Kuei (李方桂), Zhengzhang Shangfang (鄭張尚芳), and the reconstruction system of William H. Baxter (白一平) and Laurent Sagart (沙加爾). In the development of Chinese characters, complexization (Fan Hua, 繁化) added new phonetic elements to the original characters. For example, "甫" transformed into "父" (□) and "齒" acquired "止" to become "□". However, some non-phonetic words (Wushengzhi, 無聲字) or phono-semantic compounds (Xingshengzhi, 形聲字) changed their phonetic components because of changing phonetics. For instance, the non-phonetic word "華" is initial Xiao (曉母) in the Yu group (魚部). Yet its phonetic component "化" converted into "花", initial Xiao (曉母) of the Ge group (歌部). Therefore, it appears that syllable coda lenition (Yunweiruohua, 韻尾弱化) made rhymes Ge-al (-ar) closer to initial Yu of the Ma rhyme (麻韻). This is important evidence of ancient phonetic changes. Further research of ancient Chinese scripts and phonetic systems would improve ancient phonetic constructions in order to ascertain the evolutionary history of ancient phonetics.
