  • 期刊


Disyllabic Tone Sandhi of Shangsixiang Hakka in Wuping


本文從聲調內部成分的變化討論上四鄉客家話的兩字組變調,此方言的變調十分複雜,有三個有趣的現象:一、有時前字變調,有時後字變調,有時前字與後字皆變調;二、平板調一律變為曲拱調,而曲拱調一律變為平板調;三、陽平與陰入在高降調之前,有時變調,有時則不變調。本文認為此方言的連讀變調乃是由「韻律凸顯性」(Prosodic Prominence)及「祖父效應」(Grandfather effect)所啟動。而變調的調律則是「反信實」(Antifaithfulness)運作於調徑、調弧及調域的結果。另一方面,聲調「信實」(Faithfulness)制約則維持了單字調的部分特徵。簡言之,此方言兩字組變調即是標記、信實與反信實的互動結果。


This paper discusses disyllabic tone sandhi of Shangsixiang Hakka in Wuping from the perspective of sub-tonal structure. The tone sandhi of this dialect is interesting in three ways. First, tone sandhi may sometimes apply to the left syllable, sometimes to the right syllable, and sometimes to both. Second, a level tone changes to a contour tone, while a contour tone changes to a level tone. Third, Yangping and Yinru may or may not undergo tone sandhi before a high-falling tone. This paper proposes that the tone sandhi is activated by prosodic prominence and the grandfather effect. The sandhi tone values are then determined by whether anti-faithfulness applies to the tonal path, tonal contour or tonal register. On the other hand, faithfulness preserves certain features of the citation tone. In brief, the disyllabic tone sandhi of this dialect results from the interaction of markedness, faithfulness and anti-faithfulness.
