  • 期刊


Analysis of the Women's Basketball Offense and Defense Techniques: A Case Study of the Asian Championship in 2015 and 2017


本研究探討2015年及2017年兩屆亞洲女子籃球錦標賽前四強之攻守技術差異與日本女籃蟬聯后座之技術表現。以16個攻守技術項目,利用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(one-way analysis of variance,one-way ANOVA)及費雪爾氏最小顯著差異法(Fisher's least significant difference,Fisher's LSD)、事後檢定法(post hoc procedure),分析前四強球隊攻守技術表現;再以獨立樣本t檢定,比較日本隊在兩屆比賽中攻守技術差異情形。所得結果:2015年中國在防守籃板項目顯著優於日本、中華臺北與韓國;犯規項目則顯著低於中華臺北、韓國與日本;韓國在三分中籃與三分投籃項目表現顯著優於中華臺北。2017年中國在助攻項目上顯著優於澳洲與韓國,日本也顯著優於韓國;在失誤項目上韓國顯著多於日本與澳洲,中國也顯著多於日本;二分中籃項目中國顯著優於澳洲與韓國。日本在兩屆的攻守技術差異上,犯規次數2017年比2015年顯著增加,而抄截項目則是2017年顯著少於2015年。本研究結果為:前四強球隊攻守技術差異不大,實力相當。因此更凸顯每項攻守技術都非常重要,皆有可能影響比賽結果。中華臺北的首要課題為:減少失誤與犯規並強化得分技術。而大洋洲球隊的實力不容小覷,應對其球風與打法多作研究與分析。中華臺北應以日本為借鏡,循日本成功之模式,以打敗韓國為首要目標,才可重返女籃亞錦賽四強。


前四強 日本 失誤 犯規


This study investigates the differences in offensive and defensive techniques among the top four teams in the FIBA Asia Championship for Women of 2015 and 2017 as well as the technical performance of the Japan Women's National Team in winning the two championships in a row. By considering 16 offensive and defensive techniques, this study analyzed the performance of the top four teams in both offensive and defensive techniques with statistical analysis, the one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), Fisher's least significant difference (Fisher's LSD), and the post hoc procedure. Subsequently, an independent sample t test was employed to compare the differences in the offensive and defensive techniques of the Japan team in the two championship tournaments. The results obtained are as follows: in 2015, the China team was significantly better than the Japan, Chinese Taipei, and South Korea teams in defensive rebounds, and the fouls it accumulated were significantly lower than those of the latter three teams. With regard to three-pointers and three-point shots, South Korea performed significantly better than Chinese Taipei. In 2017, with respect to assists, China was significantly better than Australia and South Korea; Japan was also significantly better than South Korea. In relation to turnovers, South Korea had significantly more turnovers than Japan and Australia, and China also had significantly more than Japan. With respect to two-point field goals, China performed significantly better than Australia and South Korea. As for the differences in offensive and defensive techniques of Japan in the two tournaments, the number of fouls in 2017 increased significantly compared to that in 2015; the number of steals in 2017 was significantly lower than that in 2015. The results of this study are encapsulated as follows. There were no great differences among the top four teams in offensive and defensive techniques, and all teams were well-matched in strength. This highlights the considerable importance of each offensive and defensive technique, which could affect the results of the games. The primary issues for Chinese Taipei are to reduce its turnovers and fouls and to strengthen its scoring technique. The strength of the Oceania teams should not be underestimated, and research and analysis of their playing styles and tactics should be conducted. Chinese Taipei should learn from Japan and follow the model of Japan's success, with beating South Korea as its primary goal; only thus can it regain its position in the top four teams in the Asia Women's Basketball Championship.


top 4 teams Japan turnover foul


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