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The Study of Homework on Physical Fitness Level and Cognition of College Students




The aim of this study is to understand the effect of postoperative teaching on college students' physical fitness and cognitive, experimental design using different groups before and after the test design, a total of 62 students (35 males and 27 females) were enrolled in the three courses of a national university elective course in the north, and three post-class assignments were conducted, respectively, for the experimental group 1: to high-intensity exercise-based post-class tasks; experimental group 2: cognitive orientation-based post-class tasks; the control group: no task. Results found that: Fitness level, the group 1 improved effect in the muscle fitness and instantaneous explosive force project has been significantly; the group 2 improved effect in the cardiopulmonary fitness, muscle fitness, instantaneous explosive power, and softness of the four projects have been significantly. Physical fitness cognition, the group 1 scores the worst; the group two scores the best. Conclusion: Forced exercise by prescribed exercise is limited to muscle fitness. In other dimensions, there is no significant effect. Therefore, it is recommended that students' physical fitness can be effectively improved in a way that enhances students' physical fitness. The improvement is better.


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