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The Relationship of Coach and Peer Leadership Behaviors on Team Satisfaction Among High School and College Student-Athletes




A large proportion of earlier research on leadership behaviors has focused on the coach leadership behaviors, but recent research has transferred focus onto peer leadership behaviors. However, only few studies have investigated the difference between coach and peer leadership, and their corresponding effects on team satisfaction. Furthermore, there are many differences in the training culture of university and senior high school coaches in Taiwan. The purpose of the present study was two-fold. The first purpose was to investigate the differences in coach and peer leadership behaviors of university and senior high school. Secondly, it also examines the predictive utility of coach and peer leadership behaviors on team satisfaction. The participants of this study are student athletes from sports teams of ten different sports. Results indicated that high school student athletes perceived more coach leadership behaviors of training instruction, democratic, social, and positive behaviors than university student athletes. In addition, university student athletes perceived more peer leadership behaviors of task, external, and personal talent than high school student athletes. On the other hand, the peer leadership behaviors in high school and coach leadership behaviors in university have higher explained variances on team satisfaction. We conclude that coaches and peers differ in leadership behaviors at different stages. Furthermore, the role of the coach lies not only in the development of leadership behaviors in the team, but also in the uncovering of different peer leadership behaviors of leaders within the team to further promote team satisfaction.


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