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Differences in Sleep Quality and Body Composition Among Female College Students in Different Stages of Physical Activity Behavior




This research investigates the variations in sleep quality and body composition among female college students across various stages of physical activity engagement. The participants of this study consisted of 368 female students enrolled in a university in the northern region, with an average age of 20.22 years. The research utilized a collection of tools including a physical activity stage questionnaire, equipment for assessing body composition, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The findings of this study unveiled noteworthy distinctions in skeletal muscle mass within the different phases of physical activity behavior. It was evident that the maintenance phase exhibited a significantly higher skeletal muscle mass when compared to the intention phase. Nonetheless, other indices encompassing skeletal muscle weight, body fat weight, BMI (body mass index), body fat percentage, and waist-to-hip ratio did not display any substantial differences. This disparity implies that consistency in engaging in physical exercise is integral in fostering skeletal muscle mass. At the same time, modifications in other indicators of body composition may be comparatively subtle or lack statistical significance. The research also disclosed notable variations in sleep quality across the diverse stages of physical activity behavior. The action phase demonstrated notably improved sleep quality compared to the preparation phase. However, this difference was not as apparent in the remaining stages. These findings suggest that exercise can facilitate stress reduction, and emotional equilibrium, consequently enhancing sleep quality. Nonetheless, the positive impact on sleep quality was less marked during the other phases of physical activity behavior. As a recommendation, this study underscores the importance for college students to establish a routine of regular physical activity and uphold a wholesome lifestyle in their day-to-day routines. This approach is instrumental in refining body composition and sleep quality, contributing to overall well-being. Maintaining a balanced exercise intensity and adopting a comprehensive lifestyle management strategy is advisable. These efforts combined can yield favorable outcomes for the holistic health of college students.


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