  • 期刊


The Comparison of Three Different Referral At-Risk Learning Disabled Students in Taipei Municipal Junior High Schools-The Analysis of the Database of Students with Learning Disabilities in Taipei City




This study investigated the differences among three groups of students who were suspected as learning disabilities (LD) in Taipei City database of identification of LD run by the Eastern Special Education Resource Center. These three groups are referred due to having been identified in primary schools, referred by the 6th grade teachers and referred by the secondary school teachers. We found that 75% of students suspected as LD were referred during transition from primary to secondary schools. However, there were still 25% of students suspected as LD first referred in the secondary schools. The proportions of LD, suspected as LD again, and normal students among these three groups after diagnosis and identification were significantly different. The proportion of students who had been identified as developmental LD to those who had been identified as LD in the third group was higher than proportions in the other two groups. Furthermore, the proportion of students who had been identified as LD with specific academic deficit in the second or third groups was higher than that in the first group, but LD students with dyslexia is an exception. The recommendations regarding the practice of identifying students with LD are made accordingly.


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