  • 學位論文


The Perspectives of Elementary School Students with Learning Disability in Ratings of Resource Room Teachers' Teaching Effectiveness in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 王文伶


本研究旨在探討台灣北區國小資源班學習障礙學生對教師教學效能之意見與地區差異及不同個人變項之學生在資源班教師教學效能意見之差異。本研究採調查法進行研究,以自編之「北區國小資源班教師教學表現之學生意見調查表」做為研究工具,針對一百零一學年度北區國小四年級與六年級資源班學障學生為母群體,採用立意取樣進行資料蒐集,總計發出300份,回收問卷300份。問卷經整理後,以平均數、標準差及單因子多變量變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。研究結論如下: 一、北區國小資源班學障學生能認同資源班教師的教學效能;學障學生認為資源 班教師教學效能表現上屬中高程度。 二、資源班學障學生對資源班教師教學效能的意見上,並無地區的顯著差異。 三、北區學障學生在資源班教師教學效能之意見上,女生給予教師的分數顯著高於男生。 四、北區國小四年級與六年級之資源班學障學生對資源班教師教學效能的意見,並無顯著差異。 五、對目前資源班喜惡程度不同的學障學生,在資源班教師教學效能的意見上有顯著差異;越喜歡目前資源班的學生,給予教師的分數越高。 六、對目前資源班教師喜惡程度不同的學障學生,在資源班教師教學效能的意見上有顯著差異;越喜歡目前資源班教師的學生,給予教師的分數也越高。 七、不同資源班期中考國語成績之學障學生,對資源班教師教學效能的看法呈現顯著差異;資源班國語期中考成績越高的學生,給予教師的分數也越高。 八、不同資源班期中考數學成績的學障學生,對資源班教師教學效能之看法無顯著差異。


This study explores resource room teachers’ teaching effectiveness and regional differences in northern Taiwan’s region based on the perspectives of the students with learning disability , as well as elucidate individual student parameters affecting learner evaluations of resource class teacher performance. The study deploys a questionnaire methodology, using a proprietary instrument “Student evaluation questionnaire for Northern Taiwan elementary resource class teacher performance” as the study tool, focusing on a study population cohort composed of elementary grade 4 and 6 students with learning disability during the 2012 academic year (2012-2013), through purposive sampling with a total of 300 questionnaires distributed and 300 questionnaires received back. After compilation of the evaluation instruments, descriptive statistics including the means, standard deviations and multivariate analysis of variance, MANOVA, were conducted. Study findings included: 1. Northern Taiwan elementary resource class students with learning disability were able to recognize resource class teacher effectiveness, and the student cohorts felt that their resource class teacher performance was moderately efficacious. 2. In terms of the resource class students with learning disability evaluations of teacher effectiveness, there were no discernible regional differences of statistical significance. 3. In terms of the resource class students with learning disability evaluations of teacher effectiveness, female students gave teacher evaluations which were significantly better than evaluations provided by male students. 4. In terms of the resource class students with learning disability evaluations of teacher effectiveness, for grades 4 and 6, there were no discernible grade level differences of statistical significance. 5. In terms of the resource class students with learning disability evaluations of teacher effectiveness, there were significant differences arising from student perceptions of enjoyment of the resource class; the greater student’s enjoyed their resource class cohort of fellow students, the higher the evaluation scores they provided for their teachers. 6. In terms of the resource class students with learning disability evaluations of teacher effectiveness, there were significant differences arising from student perceptions of enjoyment of the resource class teachers; the greater student’s enjoyed their resource class teachers, the higher the evaluation scores they provided for their teachers. 7. In terms of the grade 4 and 6 resource class students with learning disability evaluations of teacher effectiveness, there were significant differences arising from student performance in mid-term Chinese course scores, the higher the student’s Chinese course scores, the higher the evaluation scores they provided for their teachers. 8. In terms of the grade 4 and 6 resource class students with learning disability evaluations of teacher effectiveness, there were no significant differences arising from student performance in mid-term mathematics course scores.


吳宗立、蔡綺芬(2008)。 學生人權對教師輔導管教行為之啟示,教育學術彙刊,2(1),1-26。
