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The Teaching Quality of Physical Education Curricular by Applying PZB and the Kano Model




This study applied the PZB service quality model and Kano two-dimensional quality mode on the quality of physical education, so as to understand the current gap in the quality of physical education and to contribute to the direction of future research. Based on the literature review, this study found that: (1) current research on the teaching quality of physical education curricular only took junior high school students and students of higher grade as the research participants; (2) in terms of the scale used in studies on the quality of physical education, the PZB service quality quantification research was in the majority, while a small amount of research used the mixed scale and Kano model scale; (3) some research also suggested that the quality of physical education can include process quality and result quality, and that process quality positively affects the quality of results; (4) the quality of physical education curricular was the key to develop a specific physical education curricular model. In the future it is suggested that the quality of physical education teaching in primary schools may be targeted to reinforce the theoretical gap related to the teaching quality of physical education at this stage. According to actual requirements, the mode of PZB physical education teaching quality, Kano two-dimensional physical education teaching quality model, as well as process quality and result quality model can all be adopted to facilitate the construction of a good teaching environment and to improve students' learning effectiveness.


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