  • 期刊


Literature Review of Techniques and Tactics Analysis of Badminton




The techniques and the tactics used in badminton are important factors that affect players' training and their performances. Although there have been several analyses and discussions of the techniques or the tactics of badminton, few of them have been systematically collected and organized. Therefore, the object of this investigation was to organize the materials, thus realize the current situation and the development of the techniques or tactics of badminton. The result showed that the implementation of the five categories of badminton intensified the flow of game, which made the speed and active forcing shot be more crucial in one game. Furthermore, pressing shot such as smash and cut, low serve, and net play became the major skills. As for the tactics, the frequently used tactics in men's singles and doubles were active attacking and consecutive smashes on mid- and forecourt. Both women's singles and women's doubles emphasized the variation of attack and the tactic of defense and fight back. In mixed doubles, the tactic of male back female up was usually adopted. As the result, we outlined the suggestions of practically training, competition, and the research agenda for the future.


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