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Social Systems theory in Family Studies: Case of Domestic Violence


「家庭」一詞所代表的意義及其在現代社會中之運作,相較過去已經有許多的轉變。家庭曾被視為是家庭成員的避風港這樣的說法在「現代社會」的論述中也越來越受到挑戰。此外,家庭是否僅只作為私領域同樣在遭到質疑。為什麼要強調「現代社會」?有關「家庭」的意涵與功能(運作)之發展及變化與「現代社會」有何關連?對家庭研究學者而言,這些問題或被視為前提而未受到檢視,或者是礙於方法論而難有更深入的探究。然而,仍有學者從更宏觀的角度來理解與分析家庭議題,或者是從家庭與環境之關係與互動著手,進而試圖瞭解「家庭」此一概念的變化與發展。這是從生物與生態學的角度出發,提供家庭研究更深且廣泛的觀點,而該觀點與前述之「現代社會」概念則有密切相關。本文試圖從此一觀點出發,並且透過社會系統理論(social systems theory)來觀察「家庭如何可能」以及與此相關之議題,並將討論焦點放在「家庭與婚姻暴力」之現象。


The concept of "family" has been developed for a long time and has been challenged recently. Since the Marriage Movement in the US in the 1990s, there was a dramatic transformation surrounding the concept and its related issues. Although there were several viewpoints of family, few of them considered their relationship to the concept of "modernity". The aim of this research is to examine the concept through social systems theory. The question mainly concerns how we connect the transformation of the concept of family to the development of modern society. Furthermore, inspired by social systems theory, we argue that there's a difference between some family studies that borrowed concepts from the idea of "system" and those from social systems theory. In this research, some cases of domestic and intimate violence studies in Taiwan and in other cultures will also be demonstrated and discussed to elaborate how we can speculate the phenomena through the lens of social systems theory.


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