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Strategies of the Gender Equality Social Advocacy in the Grassroots Level-Practice in the New Taipei City




The grass-root organizations and volunteers are considered as both the social services delivers and targets of social advocacy. In recent years, the Taiwanese government has actively carried out gender-equality advocacy in the grass-roots level. However, little has been known about the practical issues. This survey conducted 2 focus groups, 7 participants, including 4 community social workers and 3 gender-equality initiators, to shed light on the issues and further suggestions of the gender equality advocacy. The research findings include 1. difficulties occur upon conflicts among gender equality concepts and traditional value, 2. absence of community consensus, 3. lacking of localizing the teaching material, 4. gender issue for the initiators themselves, and 5. deficiency of sensitiveness of multiple culture and values. Suggestions include 1. empowerment of the social workers and initiators, 2. localization of the gender-equality concepts and teaching material, and 3. increase of community consensus in the grass-roots level.


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