  • 期刊


The Sales Strategies of a New Clothing Label- the Case Study of PRAXES in American East Coast Market


隨著時代演變、技術創新、消費者喜好與生活心態的轉變,縱觀國際服裝市場,目前全球知名的服飾品牌,其成功契機往往源於初創品牌之時,如何因應不同時代與背景採取不同的經營模式與理念。但將其視野拉回國內,台灣服裝產業已經從服務國際品牌代工生產的OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer),升級為 ODM(OriginalDesign Manufacturer),同時替客戶設計與代工,甚至近年已走入 OBM(OriginalBrand Manufacturer),工廠有能力自創品牌,設計、製造、銷售全包辦。因此,「自創品牌」成為台灣業界與學術界的熱門話題。但縱然如此,甚少台灣品牌能有效運用行銷資源成功邁向國際市場。學術界中,實踐大學自1961年創立服裝設計學系以來,一直致力推動服裝領域的知識交流與學習平台。為了培育從設計到營銷的全方位人才,實踐大學於2013年首創國際性跨領域品牌養成計劃班-PRAXES。由紐約知名品牌 Twinkle by Wenlan的華裔設計師賈雯蘭領軍,與實踐大學服裝設計系共同籌辦,讓學生更了解時尚產業的各個面向。負責PRAXES的國際銷售,筆者參與了初創品牌到發表第一季2014春夏等系列的銷售過程。本研究希望透過文獻回顧,了解現今美國服裝市場的形態與研究成功國際品牌之銷售模式,探討品牌於初創時期如何進入市場做銷售。再藉由實際操作與執行PRAXES第一季2014春夏於美東市場的銷售,進而歸納出一個通用的銷售模式以供參考。


With the development of technology, change of consumers’ preference and lifestyles through time, most international well-known fashion brands succeed by choosing suitable business strategies according to their time and background. In Taiwan, the clothing industry has evolved from OEM (original equipment manufacturing) to ODM (original design manufacturing), and even OBM (original business manufacturing). 'How to build a label' has become a hot topic in Taiwan in both industry and academia alike. However, there are few Taiwanese labels which manage to promote themselves internationally with efficient marketing. Meanwhile, the fashion design department in Shih Chien University which was founded in 1961 has dedicated to build the platform for knowledge exchange in this field. To cultivate the personnel who can manage from design to retail, in 2013, this department started a new project PRAXES, which focuses on building itself as an international clothing label. Collaborated with Chinese designer Wenlan Chia, the founder of the fashion label Twinkle by Wenlan, this course aims at letting students experience every aspect of fashion industry. During this process, I participated in the founding of PRAXES and was responsible for the international sales at the launch of its first collection of Spring/Summer 2014. Through the literature review, I summarized the development of American fashion industry and some successful fashion brands' formula to success. That may suggest some strategies for a new label how to enter a market. With the case study of the sales of PRAXES' Spring/Summer 2014 collection in American East Coast market, I would like to generate a generic sales pattern for future reference.
