  • 期刊


Exploring Dog Lovers' Lifestyles for Pet Comfort Product Design and Creation


寵物犬作為家庭成員的觀念普及,愈來愈多飼主重視寵物犬的福祉與感受,創造兼顧寵物犬生理和心理需求的用品乃成為有意義且具有商業價值的趨勢。然而,寵物犬的喜好與需求無法透過言語表達,故本創作以文獻探討與田野調查的方式進行相關資料蒐集,參考個人經驗將上述資料轉換成創作方法,藉此進行狗迷休憩用品之創作,並搜集其使用回饋歸結出結論與展望。本文重點分為三大部分。第一部分為田野調查,以質性研究中的深度訪談法作為資料蒐集工具,對五位以寵物犬為生活重心的「狗迷」進行訪談與文本分析,歸結出狗迷的休憩生活型態具有七大特徵,分別為「飼主對寵物犬用品消費觀念」、「飼主舊衣物提供」、「飼主DIY行為」、「人犬休憩互動模式」、「寵物犬專屬位置」、「寵物犬身體機能」以及「寵物犬可活動範圍」;第二部分為創作應用,以作者過去為寵物犬創作的休憩用品「Susan, Sugar, Honey」為創作基礎,結合第一部分的訪查成果建立創作方法,歸納出「共用模式」、「舊衣物提供」、「製作方法」與「移動性」四項主要創作特徵,並針對三位狗迷的休憩生活進行休憩用品之設計創作;第三部分為使用回饋與結論,將三件創作物:「Half」、「氣味堡壘」與「BOBObone」於狗迷家中使用前與使用後,狗迷與其寵物犬休憩模式的轉變進行比較,總結出創作方法與創作物的適用性及其應用方式。根據上述重點歸納,本文針對狗迷的休憩形態提出七大特徵,並建立一適用於狗迷的休憩用品創作方法,藉此進行三件狗迷休憩用品之設計創作,對何謂寵物犬的理想窩進行應答。期望本文能讓同是狗迷的族群感動,為人類最好的朋友謀取福祉。


Treating a household dog as a member of the family is not at all uncommon. In fact, there is an increasing number of pet owners who are becoming more invested in the well-being and comfort of their canine companions. This has led to a rise in the significance and commercial value of products that cater to the physical and psychological needs of pet dogs. Having said that, it is difficult to gauge what these needs are, as dogs are not able to express their preferences and needs via human language. Thus, this project has incorporated data from literature review and field research in addition to adapting personal experiences into the creative process and utilizing user feedback for verification. This project was carried out in three phases. In the first phase, qualitative methodology such as in-depth interviews in the field was used to collect data. After conducting a textual analysis of the interviews with five dog lovers, seven distinct elements were identified for pet-owner relationships and the comfort products they use. In the second phase, the findings in the first phase were applied to the creation process. "Susan, Sugar, Honey", a forerunner project that focused on creating comfort products for dogs, was used as a benchmark. Findings yielded the following four elements concerning dog owners' modes of relaxation: (1) modes of shared utility, (2) supplying old clothing, (3) production method, and (4) mobility. These elements were then incorporated into the creation process. The design of the comfort products were based on these elements as well as the modes of relaxation for three dog lovers. In the third and final phase, users feedback for how the three products "Half", "Scent Fort", and "BOBObone" were used at home as well as any changes in the modes of relaxation for the owner and pet dog before and after use were used to draw conclusions about the products' suitability and applicability and the creation process. Overall, this project aimed to find the ideal comfort product (e.g. sofa, bed) for dogs. The findings offer points to consider when designing and creating dog comfort products. These points primarily include the dog's sensibilities and psychological comfort. Through interviews with dog owners, a methodology for making products that meet the needs of pet dogs was created. The objective of this project was ultimately to connect with fellow dog lovers and encourage them to consider the well-being and comfort of their canine best friends.
