  • 期刊


A Study of Fashion Rental and How It Benefits Sustainable Brand Management


「服裝租賃」是循環、共享經濟的實際行動之一,在衣服不斷被循環利用的情況下,較不易造成丟棄或閒置疑慮。研究者參與實踐大學服裝品牌PRAXES實務期間,體認品牌若要朝向永續經營目標邁進,提高衣物之利用價值,將是一個關鍵;累積在倉庫裡的過季品或樣衣,都可藉由租賃轉化成提升品牌價值的資源。本研究為了解影響消費者服裝租賃意願的因素與服裝租賃和品牌永續經營之關係,先以質化研究達成概括性的認知,再發展量化問卷進行調查並分析結果,得出消費者觀念、服務內容與行銷模式對於消費者服裝租賃意願皆具有顯著影響,而服裝租賃對於品牌永續經營也具顯著正向影響。本研究亦針對PRAXES設計租賃企劃「PRAXES Rental」,規劃商品管理、方案設計、服務、行銷等內容。最後本研究觀察,多數台灣消費者具有租賃意願,且偏好的租賃商品以特殊場合穿搭、品質良好的中高端設計師品牌與精品為主;租賃平台與品牌也需規劃充足的行銷觸及更多消費者。服裝租賃在台灣市場具有可行性,是一項可持續開發的新興商機。


Fashion rental is one of the movements of circular and sharing economy. When the clothes are constantly reused, they have less chances to be thrown away or to sit idle. During the participation in PRAXES, the researcher realized that if a clothing brand aims to achieve sustainable management, it is crucial to enhance the value of every piece. The off-season products and samples in the storage can be the resources that optimize brand value. To understand the factors which affect consumers' willingness to use fashion rental, this study achieves general cognition through qualitative research first, and then develop a quantitative questionnaire survey. The result shows that consumers' cogitations, rental service plans, and marketing methods have significant effects on consumers' willingness to use fashion rental. Moreover, fashion rental has significant positive influence on sustainable brand management. The study also plans a rental business proposal for PRAXES, developing feasible product management, service plans, pricing, and marketing strategy. Eventually, the study observes that most consumers in Taiwan are willing to use fashion rental, and they prefer outfits for special occasions from mid- or high-end designer brands and luxury brands. Furthermore, fashion rental platforms or brands need to conduct sufficient marketing to reach more consumers. Fashion rental is feasible in Taiwan, and it is a new business opportunity which can be developed sustainably.
