  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship between Brand Service and Performance on Automobile Chain Repair

指導教授 : 王如鈺


國內汽車產業經歷加入WTO後體質經淬鍊已逐步強健,研發設計與生產製造能力也趨於成熟,生產車輛的品質都可達到國際性標準,並足以與進口車輛相抗衡,此點可由近年來國產車市場佔有率可得到印證。 然而隨著國內汽車數量增加,汽車維修市場大餅也急速成長,規模之大令人無法忽視,當我們將焦點放在汽車製造廠如何轉型之時,卻未對國內汽車維修業服務品質提升予以關注,隨著國內經濟的發展,服務業已成為台灣產業結構的主流,但汽車維修業轉型的腳步尚無法跟上消費者的需求,並且還有很大的改善空間,汽車維修業需放棄以往「只要技術好,不怕顧客不上門」的心態,積極轉型為服務業,業者惟有建立正確的服務策略並加以落實才能提高經營績效,企業才能永續經營。 本研究將台灣汽車維修市場業者依七大構面整理歸納為四種經營模式,再以個案訪談的方式分別探討各類經營模式所採取的品牌服務策略與經營績效之關聯性,同時也發現汽車維修連鎖化經營已成為當今市場主流,個人經營式店面均紛紛加入不同的連鎖體系,期望提昇本身品牌形象,降低營運成本,增強自身的競爭力,因此本研究也將探討不同的連鎖經營模式與業者經營績效的關聯性。 本研究經實證訪談後之發現與建議:1.汽車連鎖維修業以直營店方式經營最能貫徹總公司的服務策略,並且提供給顧客一致的服務標準,對經營績效的提昇有顯著的影響。2.服務策略是各家公司競爭力所在,也是影響經營績效的重要因素,由研究中發現各家公司都有規劃完善的服務策略,同時也強調與其他業者的不同並期待脫穎而出,但是否能落實執行就需要靠執行力,對公司所訂定的服務策略執行力愈高對經營績效的提昇愈有顯著的影響。3.資訊化是目前業者轉型經營的重點也是必須要做的,不但可提供客戶即時的資訊,也可提供相關經營業者一個更加快速溝通、訊息交流的平台,提昇經營績效。


It has been already strong progressively for the domestic automobile industry after the accession to the WTO, become more and more ripeness in the R & D design and manufacturing capacity. The quality of producing the vehicles can all reach the international standard, and enough to compare with imported vehicle. This can be confirmed by the domestic occupation rate of market of car in recent years. But as the quantity of automobile increases, the market of automobile repair grows up rapidly and the scale is noteworthiness. While focusing on the transition of the automobile factory, we pay less attention on the quality of service in the domestic automobile repair industry. With the development of domestic economy, the service trade has already become the mainstream of industrial structure of Taiwan. But the transition step of the repair industry of the automobile still can't catch up with consumers' demand, and there are a lot of aspects need to be improved. The passive attitude of automobile repair industry should be given up and adopt the aggressive attitude in the quality of service. The automobile repair industry needs to set up the service strategies and implement completely in order to improve the performance of managing and enterprises could manage continuously forever. This research will analyze the market of automobile repair industry in Taiwan in accordance with seven aspects and sum up as four kinds of types of operation. By the way of visiting, this research will further discuss the relation between all kinds of brands adopted of type of operation and the performance of management. By joining different chain systems has already became the mainstream in the current automobile maintenance market, expect to promote the image of one's own brand, reduce the operating cost, and strengthen competitiveness. Therefore, this research will probe into the relationship between different type of chain operation and managed performance. After a series of research and interview, there come out some suggestions: 1. The type of regular chain can most carry out the service strategies of the head office, providing the standard service to customers and having apparent influence on the promotion of managing performance. 2. The strategies of service play the key role in the competitiveness of each company and are the important factor that influences the performance of management. It is found that each company has perfect plans in the strategies of service and emphasizes its uniqueness and outstanding compared with others. However, it needs to depend on whether the company implements and execution. The higher implementation, the more influence on the performance of management. 3. The information access is another focal point and important step in the transition of company at present. The information technology has not only engaged in providing information immediately to meet customers’ demand, but also offer the platform of faster communication and information interchange all across the relevant companies in order to improve the operations for greater customer satisfaction.




