  • 期刊


The Need for Community Health Promotion: The Case of Sansia District in New Taipei City


本研究分析當今新北市三峽區居民健康概況及健康促進的需求,研究方法採問卷調查法,研究對象為新北市三峽區居民,問卷發放數模擬三峽區實際人口、年齡結構等,採分層隨機抽樣以配置問卷數量。由5名訪員至三峽區鄰里街頭進行問卷收集,有效問卷共600份。以SPSS Window 23.0統計套裝軟體進行資料編碼與統計分析。研究結果發現有78.67%的受訪者表示生病會先至診所看病,10.83%會至藥房買成藥,4.17%的人不理會身體不適的狀況。有61.5%的受訪者或家庭成員罹患慢性病,居民自覺健康有26.0%,自覺狀況不佳的人有21.8%。社區居民健康促進的需求依性別、婚姻、年齡、教育程度、職業類別有顯著差異。建議醫療院所與在地社區友善睦鄰,並與工商團體結盟合作辦理健康促進方案。


The purpose of this study was to analyze people's health situation and need for community health promotion in Sansia District, New Taipei City. The survey involved a questionnaire. The samples were people living in Sansia District. Five interviewers conducted the survey in the community, and total of 600 questionnaires were collected. The results showed that 78.67% people had gone to clinic when they fell ill, 10.83% people went to pharmacy to get medicines and 4.17% took no action. It is important to note that 61.5% people (or their families) suffered from chronic diseases. There are 21.8% people remaining in poor health which compare last year. Moreover, the needs for community health promotion varied according to gender, marriage status, age, education, and occupation. The conclusion drawn is that local hospitals can develop friendly community relationship, and that a community health promotion program should involve collaboration with local organizations.
