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Toward a framework with narrative and audiovisual elements on the reception of audience for animation comedy



Comic effects triggered by humorous content in animated films are essential to entertain audiences and a key to success at the box office. This research aims to investigate the importance of narrative and the audiovisual elements in animations for the comic effects to form aframework. We first look into the humor theories from areas of philosophy, psychology and linguistics, and integrated into the discourse of animation comedy. Accordingly, the evaluation for the importance of the elements is based upon the surveys of experts' opinions from the animation industry and the academy. The experts' consensus on weights and ratings was mathematically derived using fuzzy Delphi methodology. The result indicates that reversal, exaggeration and satire are regarded as the most significant narrative elements for comic effects in an animated film. In regard to the application of audiovisual elements, characters' acting, character design and sound are perceived to be predominantly important among audiovisual elements. Accordingly, based upon the results obtained by the survey, a framework of audiences' reception of the comic effects triggered by humorous content of animated films is established in combination with narrative and audiovisual elements. Narrative elements are further linked to humor theories in literature.


動畫影片中的幽默喜趣元素往往是觀眾預期的娛樂效果和票房成功的要素,本研究探討動畫影片中幽默敘事和影音元素,從而建立理論架構。首先從哲學、心理學、語言學中爬梳整理幽默相關理論,並整合動畫理論體系有關喜劇敘事元素論述,設計問卷做量化專家調查,以模糊德菲(Fuzzy Delphi)法分析專家共識,以及對喜劇敘事與影音元素的重要性判斷。分析結果顯示,逆轉、誇張、諷刺三項為專家認為最重要的敘事元素。影音方面,角色表演、角色設計、聲音為最重要的三項元素。據此,本研究提出動畫喜劇的觀眾接收架構,整合敘事與視聽元素,以及喜劇氣氛,連結至觀眾的接收,並將敘事元素與前述幽默理論相連結。


動畫 喜劇 架構 模糊德菲法 敘事


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