  • 期刊


Toward an Effective Narration in Animated Short Film - Structure and Focalization Design


本研究採用內容分析法,以敘事學的聚焦與敘事階層理論為基礎,分析法國電視動畫影集《Minuscule》第一季中第1-13 集的故事結構及敘事聚焦之手法,藉以探討動畫短片中如何運用敘事聚焦引導的效果來述說故事。研究結果發現各集的情節段落多可歸屬於拖多洛夫(Tzvetan Todorov)五階段敘事功能的結構之中,開場時的初始平衡狀態多採用無聚焦之敘事類型;故事各段落主要是以外聚焦類型呈現,也可運用一內聚焦段落以表達角色當下想法。建議動畫短片的設計方針可為:1.擬定故事的五階段敘事架構、2.決定各敘事階段要設計的情節、3.最好(適合)由誰的觀點來聚焦敘述、4.設計所使用的技巧(行動、鏡頭、聲音或蒙太奇…等)以達到說故事的目的。


This study observed the first season short films of the European animated TV series《Minuscule》. Total 13 episodes for content analysis of their story structure, and analyze the types of focalization associated with the camera works to explore how "focalization" creates visual understandings and drive viewers' attentions in a story. Trying to understand the ways of achieving good narrative effects by assembling camera shots, and get a sense of how to be more efficient in their use of focalization techniques. This study reveals that story plots of each episode can be categorized under Todorov's 5 steps story structure. And usually use non-focalization at the beginning phase to establish the initial status. Most of the plot sequences are presented as "external focalization," however, the researchers suggest that at least one "internal focalization" sequence should be considered to view what a character sees through his/her eyes. This study also suggests the narrative strategy for designing a short animation can be applied as following steps: 1. set up story's narrative structure, 2. decide what to be told in each plot, 3. who will be at the best position to tell it, 4. design techniques (action, camera, sound or montage...) to ensure the best results.


林大維、吳佩樺(2010)。3D 動畫之創意與魅力。美育。177,10-23。
