  • 期刊


Evaluating Students' Biologist-like Thinking Ability with a Situational Questionnaire


從十二年國民基本教育和科學發展來看,科學教育除了應該培養學生科學知識外,更應該讓學生具備思考能力,尤其是讓學生具有像科學家般的思考能力。本研究欲探討國中生像生物學家般在進行實驗研究時所具備的思考能力,目的是編制一份情境式問卷以了解國中生所具備像生物學家般的思考能力。問卷內容是模擬生物學家在進行研究蟋蟀時的情境,讓國中生可以融入並想像自己即是生物學家正在進行研究回答問題,題幹描述主要是利用實體圖片採開放式回答,用評分規準 (Rubrics)作為評量方式。根據上述研究目的,本研究問題,除了製作一份可評量像生物學家般的思考能力問卷外並利用此問卷收集國中生在像生物學家般思考能力上表現之現況為何?研究結果顯示:生物學家的思考能力,可藉由「像生物學家般的思考技能-以蟋蟀研究為例」測驗得知,答對A等級的學生百分比分布整體看來其能力都有成長的空間,因為得到A的學生在每個面向皆未達到40%,其中觀察、設計實驗和討論結論等3個向度表現較差,分別為6%、3%、2%,而分類、提出問題、提出假說、證據和推理或預測等5個向度分別為30%、11%、36%、18%、25%。所收集的研究成果在未來可提供教師試著依照十二年國教的總綱和領域綱要理念,規劃生物課程教材時的想法依據。


From the perspective of the 12-year Basic Education or science development, science education should not only cultivate students' scientific knowledge, but also make students have the ability to think like scientists. The purpose of this research is to perceive junior high students' thinking ability as the roles of biologists when experiments conducted. Therefore, the purpose is to prepare a situational questionnaire and then analyze the result to the ability of the junior high school students to think like a biologist. The content of this questionnaire is to simulate the situations which biologists researches in, so that the junior high school students can imagine they are conducting researches. The whole questionnaire will use the same subject. Physical pictures are used to get open-ended answers from students; meanwhile, Rubrics as the evaluation method. Moreover, the qualitative research method is incorporated to obtain data of students' biologist-like thinking ability. The biologist-like thinking ability in this study is graded by four levels A, B, C and D in terms of eight skills (observation, classification, evidence, reasoning, asking questions, proposing hypotheses, designing experiments, and discussing conclusions). The results of this study show that there is more room for students' biologist-like thinking ability to improve because even those students who are graded as level A don't reach 40% in every aspect. Evidence show that among the three dimensions of observation, designing experiments and discussing conclusion are poor, 6%, 3%, 2%, respectively, while classification, asking questions, proposing hypothesis, evidence, reasoning are relatively higher 30%, 11%, 36%, 18%, 25% respectively. In the future, the research result will provide the related information for the teachers when planning the biology curriculum materials on the basis of the curriculum guidelines of 12-year Basic Education.
