  • 期刊


Design and Application of Wearable Virtual Reality and Interactive Sensory Feedback


現今網路購物模式僅能以2D圖片的方式查看衣服樣式,使用者在挑選服飾過程中無法滿足實際觸摸的需求,但是人們在擇衣上仍然偏好於透過觸摸衣物,了解實際服飾的觸感與質量後才進行選擇。因此,本研究將透過虛擬實境體驗試圖提供不同的方式,並利用虛擬實境系統的沉浸感來改善實際選擇衣服時所發生的上述情況。在系統內將以Blender建模軟體來建置不同款式的3D虛擬服飾,使用者可以直接點選衣物款式進行3D模式的體驗,並連接Arduino Pro Mini微控制器開發板,透過壓力感測器來偵測使用者的按壓程度,回傳相對數值於系統,並產生不同程度的服飾皺褶形變,再加入觸覺手套的部分讓使用者在體驗過程中有感官回饋的感受,使用者在虛擬環境上即可體驗如同實際觸摸般,為選購衣物帶來不一樣的消費體驗。最後以實驗的方式來評估整體系統,透過系統易用性分析(SUS)及使用者互動滿意度分析(QUIS)製作問卷並分析,結果顯示使用者對於本系統大致呈現滿意的表現。


Today's online shopping can only view clothes in 2D mode. Users can't meet the needs of actual touch in the selection process. But people still love to touch clothes, understand the feel and quality of clothing, and then make choices. Therefore, this study will provide different ways through the virtual reality experience. And the use of immersive virtual reality system to improve what happens when the actual choice of clothes. The system is built with Blender in different styles of 3D clothes, users can choose clothes and experience 3D mode. And connect Arduino Pro Mini development board. Through the pressure sensor to detect the level of pressure, return to relative value to the system. And produce different levels of changes in clothing wrinkle. Then add the touch gloves, let users experience sensory feedback in the process. Users can experience the feeling of actual touch in the virtual environment. It brings a different consumer experience to purchase clothes. Finally, use experiment to evaluate the entire system. Through the System Usability Scale (SUS) and Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS) make a questionnaire and do the analysis. The results show that users are generally satisfied with the system.
