  • 期刊


Exploration of the Self-studying through the Network Course of Pottery




陶藝 自學 ADDIE模式 德懷術


As it is not easy to acquire pottery skills, the network course of Pottery integrated with ICT and based on the essence of curriculum design of ADDIE has been established to make sure the teaching qualities can be met. This paper mainly explores how we can apply Delphi methodology to prove how the essence of curriculum can be met. Specifically, we use survey to collect the essence of curriculum and invite 18 experts to conduct the survey. The results can be stated as followed: Self-studying through the Network Course is very suitable for setting practical skill development. This development can be further divided into two main categories: three learning vectors and three skill disciplines. The learning vectors are knowledge study which includes 132 elements of the essence of curriculum, observation of implementation which includes 24 elements of the essence of curriculum and management of advancement which includes 5 elements of the essence of curriculum. The skill disciplines are forming, coloring and firing.With these different perspectives of concrete elements, students can choose and master whatever they are interested in, hoping to provide guidance and foundation for curriculum development, implementation, evaluation and network setting.


pottery self-study ADDIE Delphi


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