  • 期刊


From the Perspective of Civil Society to Examine the Political Development of Chinese Economic Development Zone-The Case of Shanghai.


中國改革開放後,帶動經濟快速成長,國家實力大增。中國的發展會再度成為如毛澤東時期的國際和平威脅者,抑或是成為美國布希總統所冀望的「負責的利害關係人responsible stakeholder」(蕭旭岑,2006)?經濟發展與政治發展是否有關連,從現代化理論:「經濟越發展,政治越民主」的說法,到Huntington的「第三波」所稱,當一個國家的國民所得達到一定水準,該國即較有可能走向民主化。則中國是否會發展成為民主社會的一員,成為備受重視的觀察面。但是民主如何定義,由於中國刻意曲解,亦成為另一個備受重視的觀察面。經濟發展是否能帶動政治民主,一直以來,是比較政治發展研究關心的議題。中國提出「中國式民主」,是共產黨領導的人民民主,要求共產黨一黨專政,顯然不同於西方式民主。本研究觀察上海,發現當經濟發展到一定程度,必須解除更多的政策束縛以利成長,因而有利益團體出現,市民社會逐漸形成。本研究即以上海發生的市民社會運動,作為切入點,探究西方式民主能否以特區作「試驗田」,先行實現。本研究試圖回答下列問題:上海市政府允許利益團體擴權,在經濟利益的衝擊下,已發生「市民社會」徵兆,本文以上海市民運動為例,探討市民社會的實象及影響。本研究擬透過搜尋驗證的過程,找出中國政治發展的可能方向,以作為兩岸未來互動之參考依據。


Huntington's ”third wave” claims, when a country's national income reaches a certain level, the country is more likely to democratize. Is whether China will become a member of a democratic society, as much attention to the observation surface? Scale of China's economy to overtake Germany as the world's third largest economy of the wealthy so that the people have a stronger will to maintain self-interest. But how to define democracy, because China deliberately misinterpreted, will become another much attention to the observation surface. How to define China's political development seems depended on those who control political power. But this study found that with economic prosperity and people to safeguard the increasingly large resources to master, cannot but strengthen the oversight function of government. This initiative by the people, bottom-up forces of civil society in China's political development will cause a strong impact. This study attempts to answer the following question: The government in the Special Economic Zone allows interest groups to increase their rights. With the impact of economic benefits, signs of a ”Civil Society” begin to surface. Using the Civil Movements in Shanghai as an example, the reality and effects of a Civil Society will be discussed.This study searches for possible directions of political development in China through the process of evidence seeking, and the findings can serve as reference for future interactions between China and Taiwan.
