  • 期刊


Study on a New Screening of Biocontrol Microbes for Controlling Parasitic Nematodes of Plants in Kinmen


由寄生性線蟲所引起的植物病蟲害在金門頗為常見,此問題對賴以農業生產的農夫造成嚴重的威脅和經濟損失。為了簡易地從金門獲得防治植物寄生性線蟲的微生物,我們開發出一種簡單有效的方法來分離目標菌種。此法使用尼羅藍、脂質及幾丁質之瓊脂培養基,同時分析發酵液中之還原糖量,來選取所要的菌種。使用此種策略,我們成功的分離出一株防治植物寄生性線蟲的真菌,目前國內尚未發現此種菌種,但因受限於技術和設備,此菌從形態學上之初步鑑定結果屬於擬青黴菌屬(Paecilomyces bainier)真菌。因其能以體內寄生的方式破壞植物寄生性線蟲的卵,從而展現出良好的生物防治效果,同時又可以簡易程序進行大規模的生產,對於防治植物寄生性線蟲深具潛力,因而已經成為許多國家的重點研究對象。


Plant diseases caused by parasitic nematodes in Kinmen are common occurrence and cause serious threats and economic loss to the farmers dependent heavily on the production of agricultural crops. For easy obtaining the microorganisms that control parasitic nematodes of plants in Kinmen, we developed a simple and effective method to isolate the objective strains. This method employed nile-blue agar-plate culture containing lipids or chitin for microorganism screening and selected the desired microorganisms by analyzing reducing sugar contents from culture broth. Using this strategy, we successfully isolated one mold strain with controlling parasitic nematodes of plants. This kind of strain had never been observed in our country by now. On the limited technology and facility conditions, the mold was identified on the basis of morphological characteristics and classified as Paecilomyces bainier approximately. The strain is an endoparasitic nematode-destroying fungus which aggressively parasitizes nematode eggs that shown great potential to control parasitic nematodes of plants. Now Paecilomyces bainier has became a major demand in many countries because it can be large-scale produced by simple process.
