  • 期刊


The Inspiration from the Cognitive Neuroscience for Counseling and Psychotherapy




The paradigm shift in Psychology led the evolution of counseling and psychotherapy. However, the dominant Cognitive neuroscience seems not to cultivate a corresponding approach yet in the psychotherapy domain. The training of neuroscience in counselor education is still limited. The trend for psychotherapy in other country has integrated neurobiological approach; Cognitive neuroscience has successfully integrated neuroscience with psychology and extended to pedagogy, economics, law and so on. It is time for counseling and psychotherapy to integrate neuroscience to investigate the neural bases of treatment processes and outcomes. Taking together, counseling and psychotherapy needs to adopt the paradigms and tools in neuroscience as soon as possible. This article will introduce the important concept of neuroplasticity, mirror neurons, and empathy. The important equipments and their related application to psychotherapy are discussed. In the end, suggestions about counselor education, on-the-job training and the bridging between counseling and neuroscience are presented.


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