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A Review Study of Group Counseling Research between 2001 and 2012 in Taiwan




This article provides an integrative review of group counseling research conducted in Taiwan between 2001 and 2012. Particularly the main interest and focus of the study were on the topics and methodology of these research papers. Three keywords of group counseling, group leaders, and counseling group were used to conduct the search in the "National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan" and "PerioPath Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System." In addition, three exclusion criteria were set to screen the identified research articles. A total number of 124 research papers were selected and analyzed, and the percentages of each purposeful category were calculated. The results indicated that the most frequent participants in these researches were group members and then group leaders. Among age levels of research participants, elementary school children were the biggest group examined followed by junior high school students, and then seniors. Research topics focused mostly on theories of group counseling. The most popular research method applied in these group counseling research papers was mixed-method with quantitative research being the second, and qualitative research being the least popular. In addition, there were far more the outcome research papers than process research papers. According to these findings, detailed results and suggestions for further research are discussed.


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