  • 期刊


The Phenomenological Study of Psychologically Aging Process for Elderly People




老化 心理老化 年長者 老人


This research addresses the issues of psychological aging in elderly people, with an aim to explore how elderly people perceive aging, what their psychological aging phenomena are, and their coping strategies. A total of 8 people aged 65 years and above attended this research. For data collection, approximately two hours of interviews were conducted with each participant, yielding a total of approximately 16 hours of interview recording scripts. A phenomenological analysis method in qualitative research was adopted to analyze the data. The result of the study are as follows: (1) The perceived aging experience of elderly people: including "perception of aging from the physical level" and "perception of aging from the interpersonal level". (2) The phenomena of the elderly's psychological aging: there are eight different aspects, including "emotional needs", "behavioral changes", "relational changes", "changes in the way of doing things", "concerns about existential issues", "more attentions to self-worth", "having a softer temper", and "lifestyle changes". (3) The coping strategies of the elderly for their psychological aging consist of two parts: "seeking inner peace" and "seeking external resources".


aging psychological aging the elderly senior


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