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Applying Self-Regulated Learning Theory and Vocabulary Learning Strategy on CALL System


字彙的習得是學習語言的一項重要關鍵。在台灣第二語言的習得,非英語主修的學生通常遵循教師的指引進行字彙的記憶,而當脫離學校的環境後,學習者可能便無法持續保持自律的學習行為。市面上雖然有許多字彙測驗與字義查詢的工具,然而這些工具往往沒有整合自律學習的流程與字彙學習的策略,來輔助學習者持續地記憶字彙。許多教育研究者指出,一套有用的學習系統必須基於可應用與適當的學習理論而發展。就我們所知,目前於電腦輔助語言學習的領域,很少研究結合自律學習理論與字彙學習策略於發展電腦輔助語言學習的系統。在本研究中,主要提出一英文字彙學習系統,稱之為MyVLS(My Vocabulary Learning Strategy),基於自律學習理論中的四個步驟:目標設定與計劃、策略施行與監控、自我評鑑與監控、結果評量與反思,給予適當之學習輔助,以改善學習者在自律學習英文字彙時之成效。為驗證與探討系統之成效,本研究針對中央大學資管系19名即將要參加TOEIC測驗的學生進行為期三周的實驗,包含兩階段的質量混合分析:第一階段主要以前測與後測試題測量學習者的字彙能力,第二階段主要以量化的問卷分析與質性的訪談來了解學習者使用系統後的感受。第一階段的分析結果顯示,透過MyVLS字彙學習系統的輔助,確實能有效地提升受測者的學習成效。第二階段的實驗結果顯示,MyVLS在四項學習指標上獲得較佳的成效:(1)有效的複習、(2)有效的時間規劃、(3)自我效能的提升、(4)意志力的控制。然而,透過分析學習者的學習歷程,我們發現知識平台的使用並未獲得學習者高度的認同。質性調查結果也顯示,多數學習者難以透過MyVLS系統提供的自律學習報表與字彙學習策略知識分享來調整自己的學習行為。本研究建議,未來的自律學習系統可朝向更加個人化的知識管理與分享功能發展,以給予學習者更佳的學習感受與更適性化的學習建議。


Vocabulary acquisition is one of the key for learning a language. For second language acquisition in Taiwan, non-English major students usually follow the instructors' guidance to memorize vocabulary, and they may not keep self-regulated learning behavior after schools. There are many vocabulary testing and lookup tools available in the market; however, these tools often do not integrate self-regulated learning process and vocabulary learning strategy to assist learners keep memorizing vocabulary. Many pedagogical researchers point out that developing a useful learning system must be based on applicable and appropriate learning theories. To our best knowledge, in the current body of CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) research, few study combines self-regulated learning theory and vocabulary learning strategy into CALL systems. This study aims to propose an English vocabulary learning system, called MyVLS (My Vocabulary Learning Strategy), it's developed by four steps of self-regulated learning processes: goal setting and planning, strategy implementation and monitoring, self-evaluation and monitoring, and assessment and reflection, to support learners to improve their self-efficiency on English vocabulary learning. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system, this study also conducted a three-week experiment for nineteen students from the Information Management Department of National Central University who are about to take TOEIC exam. The experiment includes two-phase mixed qualitative and quantitative analysis: The first phase focused on the pre-test and post-test to measure the learners' vocabulary capability; and the second phase focused on the quantitative questionnaires and qualitative interviews to obtain the learners' perception after using MyVLS. The results from the first phase reveal that the subjects obtain significant improvement in vocabulary capability via using MyVLS. The results from the second phase find that MyVLS receives better effectiveness by four learning aspects: (1) the effectiveness of reviewing vocabulary, (2) the effectiveness of time management, (3) the improvement of self-efficacy, and (4) the control of will power. However, we found that the usage of knowledge forum do not receive high appraisement from the learners by analyzing the learners' e-portfolio. The qualitative results of interview also reveals that the learners find themselves hard to adjust too much of their behaviors based on the self-regulated learning reports and the knowledge sharing of vocabulary learning strategy provided by MyVLS. This study suggests that future self-regulated learning systems should be developed toward more personalized knowledge management and sharing functionality to provide learners better learning perception and more adaptive learning recommendations.
