  • 期刊


A Study of Communication Process of Design Value in Competition Project


溝通的本質在人與人之間的互動關係,而設計價值亦以人為中心。好的設計理念如何透過說明與解釋,便能清楚的傳達給接收者,這是一種藝術,亦為一項高深的學問。本研究以環境指標設計規劃為例,所謂好的整體規劃,可以帶動人與環境之間的交流互動,但在設計流程中,若無法明確掌握方向與議題且順暢的溝通, 縱使有再好的設計美學,也無濟於事,例如設計師與企業主之間的傳達概念互動, 將影響設計價值是否能發揮得淋漓盡致。本研究將針對設計師的角度,來探討日月潭國家風景區、京華城兩者之間的設計標案流程之差異性,以及透過各專家訪談後結論,提出設計認知與溝通傳達的經驗分享,其訊息將可提供產官學界在環境視覺規劃之設計溝通,以及質務操作流程上有所參考依據,另外,亦提出個人與業界、廠商之間合作的設計經驗分享。期許從設計標案、設計規劃至施工前後的檢討分析等溝通模式中,能建構出一套詮釋傳達溝通與設計價值的機制,強化行政部門、民間業者、承辦廠商以及設計師之間的認知,並提升其執行力。


The essence of communication in design is to construct the interrelationship of peoples to let them share the same design value. It is an art to address brilliant ideas of design to the audiences clearly through description and explanation of it. This article will provide a case study of two design projects of environmental signs. A comprehensive program of environmental signs can invoke a good connection of visitors and environmental services. But it runs only in the aid of indicative and meaningful communication. The communication or intercourse between designer and case provider will occur radical influence to the construction of design value. In this article, a designer's approach is applied to investigate the difference between two competition projects: Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area and Core Pacific City. The purpose of it is to formulate a set of patterns in order to enforce the communicative understandings in the process of tender, project representation and project execution into consensus of case providers and designers.
