  • 期刊


An Examination of Yao Peiqian's Li Yishan qilü huiyi Preserved in Nankai University




Yao Peiqian (1693-1766) won renown as one of the four eminent Qing-dynasty annotators of Li Shangyin's poetry because of his Li Yishan shiji jianzhu (An Annotated Edition of Li Shangyin's Poems). Twelve years before the publication of this book, however, Yao had already completed a book entitled Li Yishan qilü huiyi (A Comprehensive Commentary on the Heptasyllabic Regulated Verse of Li Shangyin), a book devoted exclusively to the explanation of Li's heptasyllabic regulated verse. This earlier work was not well known and not widely circulated. This book is held in only two libraries, namely Tsinghua University library in Beijing and Nankai University library in Tianjin. In addition, a woodblock printed copy is in the possession of a contemporary collector Mr. Huang Shang. All three copies are not available for loan and therefore not accessible to outsiders. According to Yao, when he wrote Li Yishan shiji jianzhu he "proofread the texts against Li Yishan qilü huiyi and changed two to three tenths of the content of the Jianzhu." In other words, a significant amount of the Huiyi content was adopted in the Jianzhu and became an integral component of it. Obviously Yao cherished this early work very much and did not abandon it thoughtlessly. This reveals the importance of this book. For this reason, the author of the present essay made an effort to acquire the image files of this book preserved in Nankai University Library, carefully studied it, and wrote this essay. It begins with a section on "the making of the book and its layout," which is followed by a discussion of what Yao said about "proofreading the texts against Li Yishan qilü huiyi and changing two to three tenths of the content of the Jianzhu." These tasks are an attempt to conduct a comprehensive study of the issues concerning editions and a comparison of the respective annotations in these two books, in order to lay a solid textual foundation for further studies on the content and meaning of these annotations.


王更生:《文心雕龍研究》。臺北:文史哲出版社,1989 年。
王家歆:《嫦娥、李商隱、包拯探賾》。臺北:文史哲出版社,2007 年。
甘鵬雲:《崇雅堂書録》,收入嚴靈峯編輯《書目類編》第41冊。臺北:成文出版社有限公司, 1978 年。
朱鶴齡注:《李義山詩集注》,收入《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第1082 冊。臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986 年。
朱鶴齡箋注,程夢星刪補:《李義山詩集箋注》。臺北:廣文書局,1989 年。
