  • 期刊


A Study of the Bilingual Teaching Process in International Project-based Learning


我國近年來持續進行包含「十二年國教」、「國際教育2.0」與「2030雙語政策」等教育改革,而相關研究指出專案式學習(project-based learning, PBL)無論在「素養導向」、「雙語教育」或「國際教育」的環境中實施均是有效的方式(Condi, 2019;王金國,2018;吳翠玲,2019;曾子旂,2019;陳劍涵,2020)。在雙語教育或專案式學習的文獻中,學者均指出共同的成功要素,如「真實性」(authenticity)、「提供鷹架」(scaffolding)、「互動」(interaction)與「參與」(involvement)以及「合作學習」(co-operative learning)等(García, 2009;Larmer, Mergendoller, & Boss, 2015)。本研究專論以臺南市快樂國小進行國際教育資源網(International Education & Resources Network, iEARN)之「我們的故事書」(Our Story Book)國際專案為教學案例,探究該校以中英雙語進行專案式學習之歷程,並以專案式學習之設計要素與教學實務進行分析,期提供當前教育現場實際可行的教學啟示。


In recent years, Taiwan has been implementing various measures for curriculum reform, including the "12-year Basic Education", "International Education Policy 2.0", and "Bilingual 2030 Policy". Since research has indicated that project-based learning (PBL) is an effective way to enhance teaching and learning (Condi, 2019), the current study investigates how Tainan Municipal Happy Elementary School implemented the "Our Story Book" project through the International Education & Resources Network (iEARN) bilingually in both English and Mandarin. This teaching example is analyzed by PBL principles and project path, aiming to offer practical implications for implementing international PBL to enhance education in Taiwan.
