  • 期刊


2009 Kaohsiung World Games Volunteer Human Resources Analysis


本研究採用內容分析法(content analysis),主要蒐集包括國際大型賽會的志工相關人力資訊進行內容分析,除以筆者擔任2009高雄世運志工人力資源管理專案計畫主持人的角色彙整2009世界運動會之志工人力資源資訊,在2009台北聽障奧運志工資訊部分,乃諮詢2009台北聽障奧運籌備委員會志工業務負責人—社群部李召集人郁凡提供,主要目的是希望蒐集正確完整之志工相關資訊,進行大型國際賽會之志工人力分析與比較。研究結果顯示2009年世運服務前,總計招募18個社會團體及35所學校共計8,389人。世運期間提供服務之志工共有22類,計有4,443人。在志工人數需求評估方面,因欠缺大型國際賽會執行經驗,初期由各運用單位自行估算的方式,造成志工需求數量評估上的落差。後期改採人力資源整合團隊的建議,進行組織工作的評估與討論程序,最後計算出的人力資源配置,恰符賽會所需。


This study, we using content analysis to collect the human resource information of volunteers in mega international sport event for analysis. Dr. Fang, one of the authors took charging the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games volunteer project of human resources collected the relevant information of volunteers for mega international sport event for analysis and comparison of volunteers human resources. We found that during the 2009 World Games, we recruited 18 community organizations, 35 colleges and universities, a total of 8,389 people. During the event, volunteers provided the services in 22 categories, a total of 4,443 people. Needs assessment in the number of volunteers, due to lack of implementation experience of mega international sport events, the initial estimate by the use of units in their own way, resulting in a gap of the number of volunteers needs assessment. Late shift to human resource integration team's recommendations and discussion of the organization of the assessment process, the final allocation of human resources is calculated, exactly meet the event requirements.
