  • 期刊


Expound the sources of sound and meaning of characters


伊笋芛君涒莙窘皆從尹衍生,而君尹本一字,尹〈甲骨文〉作□,|又。|,王國維、李孝定、趙誠諸生先均釋作筆本一字,尹〈甲骨文〉作(pen)形。筆者不認同,而提出兩個相關的新意義:首指天(Heaven)或日(sun),此天或日包括自然之天(sky)與宗教之天-天帝(God)。次為一(one, first);引申為一人(first man),即指天子(Son of God)或皇帝(Emperor)或國王(King)。一、一人、天、日、天帝皆為名詞,均尹、君之語根(root),相當於形聲字的「聲符」,為音義之所出。又,筆者亦提出兩個相對的新意義:一為輔佐,二為授受,皆為動詞。合而言之,尹者「輔佐天子之冢宰」,君者「接受天所授予統 治權之天子」。伊笋芛从尹聲、莙涒窘从君聲,聲符與諧聲字音迥異,正如僰棘(音吉)聲而音伯,襲 龍(=龖音沓)聲而音習,筆者稱為「異聲字」,在《說文》裡有1043字,佔形聲字七分之一之多,其原因非出於「音變」,而是造字當時其聲符所錄載語言並非漢語,而是上古漢語的「親屬語言」(Relative Languages),其遺裔今散 在我國四周邊疆。從伊笋芛君涒窘「同聲符而各字音迥異」這項事實,可證文字之造,非出於一人一族之手,各造字者錄其母語於字 內。首釋尹从天、日得音義,諧聲字伊笋芛君涒莙窘亦同。而尹〈古文〉□从□乃□省聲,音弟梯,為漢語天(Heaven, sky)之假借;伊〈碧落文〉从气从尗聲音俶梯惕荑,亦漢語天之假借;伊〈古文〉□从□=死聲,音錫賜(可音轉為剔惕裼鬄)或易蜴埸晹 或翼,乃雲南佤語日(sun)之假借。於此旁證尹伊君與天/日有關,亦見到假借造字手法。許慎謂君之〈古文〉象君坐形,亦從假借得音;坐,藏緬語音涒,苗瑤語音窘;涒窘君聲。以上□□□三字暨「君坐」一詞向來未有人形音義全解通,今均豁然開朗。次釋尹从一从又得音義,从一意指「第一人」即君王、天子也;从又意謂「輔弼」;所以,尹从一从又「會意」為輔佐君王之儲君或親王顧命大臣。所釋各字,除釋字形字義外,均引用親屬語言證音,使每字的形音義文字三要素都得到完全詮釋。從尹伊笋芛君涒莙窘□□□諸字之音義來源,毫無例外始終一貫前後上下左右縱橫皆從天/日/帝/一得音得義,可證本文所釋絕非河漢。


天帝 天子 語根 親屬語言


These characters'尹伊笋芛君涒莙窘' are very early created, so they are common words too.'伊笋芛君涒莙窘' are all created out off '尹' , and' 尹' consists of '|' and ' 又' .'︱ 'means God (represented by Heaven/sky/sun) or Emperor (represented by King/first man/one) ,'又' means vesting and accepting. Thus ' 尹' means governor in earth whom God vests him with full authority . They have relationship with sky/heaven/sun which is called word root , but they are different pronunciation between them in Chinese Language, so I quote many Relative Languages to compare the pronunciation between these characters and sky/heaven/sun or one /king, it is surprising that they reach unanimity. I expound the sources of the meaning of these characters meticulously first, and then quote Relative Languages to prove the sources of pronunciation or sound exhaustively. For the purpose of perfect I explain three ments that are sign, sound, sense of Chinese Characters attain to consummate.


God Heaven Sky Sun Emperor King One Root Relative Languages
