  • 期刊


Discussed in "Six Characters in Search of an Author" of the Performing Arts




Regarding the '”Six Characters in Search of an Author” of the performing arts', the purpose of this article is discussion on Drama Concept of Luigi Piradello. First, it expresses the plot structure: how the six characters are shown on the play and their conversation with players and director. The six characters are the father, the mother, the son, the step-daughter, the boy and the child. Besides of them, there is Madame Pace. The story reveals complex relationships between divorced father, mother and four uterine brothers and sisters. At last the boy was killed by himself with a loudly shot, after step-daughter laughing away the theatre. The second part of this article is discussion on the relationship in play-within-a-play. The third part explains the characteristic of improvisational theatre and the stage design. The fourth part mentions adapt play. There is an example performance in black box of Drama department of NTUA. The layouts, the Madame pace's living room and the mirror, the design for curtain's pervious to light and the image design are all included in the fourth part. The final conclusion is that the play provides lots of rooms for every troupe to perform. Luigi Pirandello lets audiences think, analysis and judge during the play. Besides that, people also could be inspirited in the ideological level to understand the drama concept.


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