  • 期刊


Searching the New Life Movement's Connotation of Sports


我國於1928年北伐成功, 1932年又開始剿共戰爭,在當時一片內亂當中,我國國際地位隨外交逆勢,已不如昔,面對艱困和橫逆,後來蔣氏夫婦所提倡之『新生活運動』就是要把中國之『禮義廉恥』串進西方現代生活價值觀裡,希望徹底改變舊社會的種種惡習,滌除我國民不合時代不過環境之習性,使趨向於適合時代與環境之生活,以提升我國國際地位。本研究之目的在探討新生活運動之體育內涵,採文獻分析法,引當代諸多論述、著作與後世學者文獻為據,加以分析、歸納及批判解釋,並以新生活運動為桔心,追溯新生活運動當時之背景,探討新生活運動之體育內涵,進而獲得之結論如下:一、宋美齡是新生活運動之倡導人與實際椎動者。二、新生活運動即為實踐體育之理念,欲改變當時國人的生活習慣。三、新生活運動在當時的時代背景下,確有其深厚之體育內涵。


Our country was in the turmoil of the war at the primary stage, the international standing of our country has been inferior to the past at that time, Mr. and Mrs. Chiang Kai-Shek advocated the New Life Movement and wants to set the truth ”Politeness, Righteousness, Inexpensive, Ashamed” in to the present day of Chinese life. And they wants to improve the national welfare and the people's livelihood and promotes our country international standing. Goal of the research is discussing the New Life Movement's connotation of sport. Literature analytic method is adopted in this research. Quotation presents age much elaboration, bases on the later generation's scholar literature, takes the New Life Movement as the core, traced the background at that time, discussed sports of connotation of the New Life Movement, and then obtained the conclusion as follows: First, Song Meiling is the new life movement initiates the person and the actual impetus. Second, New Life Movement was practices the idea of physical education, and wanted to change people's habits and customs at that time. Third, the background of New Life Movement at time really had its deep sports connotation.
