  • 期刊


The Changes of Marathon Race with Recovery States on the Blood Variables




馬拉松 血乳酸 血醣 尿酸 電解質


The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of blood variables after marathon race. The subjects of this study were twelve male runner joined Taipei International Marathon in December 2003. Blood samples were taken three days before exercise, immediately after the game, the first day, and the third day after recovery states. The concentrations of lactate acid, glucose, urine acid, Ca2+, K+, and Na+ in serum were analyzed. Lactate acid and glucose were increased significantly (p<.05) immediately after the race and decreased to normal range after one day. Urine acid was also increase immediately after the race but was not significant. Ca^2+ and K^+ were also increased significantly (p<.05) immediately after the race but were not recovery after three days. Na+ was decreased immediately after the race but was not significant. From materials above, the blood variables changed after marathon race. After marathon race, the increase of lactate acid and urine acid showed that marathon race was high intense exercise for the subjects. The increase of Ca^2+ and K^+ may due to the decrease of Na^+ during the race, so they moved into serum for electrolyte balance in serum. Therefore, it is important to supplement water and electrolyte during and after the race to avoid dehydration and twitch.


marathon lactate glucose urine acid electrolyte
