  • 期刊


The Training System for Social Sports Instructors in China




The technical degree system for social sport instructor has been implemented in China since June 20, 1994, and the social sports instructor training outline was also formulated based on it. There were about 430,000 social sports instructors in China at the end of 2007. According to the outline for national keep-fit plan, the target is up to 650,000 instructors in 2010. However, there are not enough sports instructors in China now. Compared with the Europe, the USA and Japan, China is still at the start-up phase. The development status and problems of the training system are worth to explore. It is the research motivation. The research purposes are to explore the background and the current condition of the mass sports and the social sports instructors. In addition, analyze the technical degree system and training outline for the social sports instructors. Here are some suggestions for China. First, strengthen the government's micro-management functions and perfect the management system of social sports instructors. Second, apply the classifying and grading system for social sport instructor and amend the training outline. Third, build the network of the social sports instructors. Fourth, combine the college resources. Fifth, set up sports clubs in communities. The last, promote not only volunteers but also professionals to be the social sports instructors.
