  • 學位論文


The Study of Sport Agent’s Competencies in China

指導教授 : 程紹同 林伯修


本研究以中國大陸運動經紀人為研究範圍,旨在瞭解其工作內容及應具備之職能, 期能建構中國大陸運動經紀人職能模型。首先,將透過文件分析法,回顧分析運動經紀 人職能之相關文獻,以明確運動經紀人職能項目。後續研究透過行為事例訪談,與中國 大陸運動經紀領域從業之運動經紀人進行訪談,瞭解其工作內容與職能,進而分析訪談 資料,發展出中國大陸運動經紀人之職能模型。研究結果發現,中國大陸運動經紀人之 職能模型共包含十五項職能項目,其中包含五項知識類別職能、六項技能類別職能以及 四項態度類別職能。知識類別職能包含:運動專業項目知識或對運動員及運動項目有所 瞭解、基礎法律知識、運動產業市場知識、行銷知識、以及簽證相關規定。技能類別職 能包含:溝通能力、社會交際、談判能力、外語能力、電腦能力、以及學習能力。態度 類別職能包含:誠實守信,遵守職業道德;良好的心理素質;對行業抱持巨大的熱愛; 細心周到。中國大陸運動經紀人面對複雜多樣的工作,必須具備豐富的知識以及全面的 技能,同時,更應具備積極正面的從業態度。研究結果可提供予運動經紀人之培育單位 作為設計培訓課程之依據,實務經驗與學科理論相結合,降低學用之落差,提高培訓質 量,培養出符合市場需求的優秀運動經紀人。


This study targeted at sport agents in China and aimed to identify their working tasks and the competencies required. The purpose was to construct the competencies model of sport agent in China. The literature review focused on competencies of sport agent, to establish the indicators for sport agent’s competencies. Behavioral event interview was applied as research method to collect materials about working tasts and the competencies required from three participants who work as sport agent in China. After analyzing the interview results, the model of sport agent’s competencies was developed. The result shows five knowledge competencies, six skill competencies and four attitude competencies. The knowledge competencies included knowledge of sport catagories or understanding of athletes and sport, law, sport industry, marketing and Visa policy. As for skill competencies, it included communication skill, social skill, negotiation skill, language skill, computer skill and learning skill. Besides, the attitute competencies emphasized work ethic, enthusiasm and carefulness. The results can be provided to the sport agent in cultivating department for further course design. The practical experience could be combined with the theory to bridge the performance gap between actual and desired performance, enhance training quality, cultivate outstanding sport agent to meet the market requirements.


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