  • 期刊


Satisfaction of Far East University Students' Optional Physical Education




The physical education courses switched to the optional course from major course in the university, and it made students have more self-choice chances to participate with physical education course or not. Regard to the related literature review, the satisfaction level is a key factor which affects human to make decision. Thus, the study used survey to discuss students' physical education course satisfaction level in the Far East University. According to the results of survey, the teacher professional ability would be confirmed by students in the learning satisfaction level, and the female students' sensation is better than male students in the teaching effectiveness. However, students who participate in athletics association were not satisfy with the fields and equipments in the Far East University, and students who took the interest optional courses would have higher satisfaction level than students who took the general physical education courses. Each university could plan a common measure which can set up the physical education courses, improve the exist lacks, and initiate the university characteristic to increase students' motivation and satisfaction level on optional physical education courses in each university.
