  • 期刊


Survey of Sport Injury Type in Public High School Students: A Case of the Taoyuan High School


學校教室是學生知識學習的園地,運動場則是學生身體教育與活動的空間。而在青少年時期正值血氣方剛,其身體發展還不夠健全,心智發展也尚未成熟的情況下,判斷與反應能力都不足,所以是最容易發生事故的時期。而學校運動場是學生唯一的運動空間,資料顯示運動場是校園中最容易發生事故的場所之一;運動傷害輕則身體受到損傷,重則可能造成無法彌補的遺憾,甚至造成往後對運動慾望運動習慣受阻,影響身心健康發展,故正視青少年時期的運動傷害是必要的,因此運動場上常見“運動傷害”,更須小心謹慎地處理。筆者因在學校健康中心工作,依據每學期「學生傷病登記」的統計,發現高中學生受傷比例最高之項目為運動傷害,因此希望藉由本研究瞭解運動傷害之原因、受傷地點、受傷性質、處理方式,依調查結果做分析探討,以作為日後防止運動傷害的參考,期待能夠提升體育教學知能及建構更完善之運動環境。本研究針對桃園縣某公立高中一般生一、二、三年級學生作為研究對象,採問卷調查法,以隨機取樣方式,共發出440份,有效樣本415份,有效回收率為94.3%。研究結果發現:一、籃球為最易造成運動傷害的項目,占51%。二、最易造成運動傷害場所為運動場,占80%。三、傷害性質及部位機率最高的為手指挫傷、其次為腳踝扭傷分別為22%、19%;此研究發現和其他學者所研究的結果大致相同(陳奎誥,2006;Conn, Annest, & Gilchrist, 2003)。此外本文亦提出運動傷害預防認知的建議,提供學校教師宣導預防運動傷害之參考,以及學生從事運動時應注意之事項,冀望在多方努力之下能將校園的運動傷害之危害降至最低。


籃球 運動場 手指挫傷 腳踝扭傷


While in school sports fields, students are prone to different kinds of accidents in that they are often energetic, not of enough sound development in bodies, too enthusiastic about different physical activities such as running, racing, playing basketball, and playing volleyball, etc, which potentially expose them to the risk of sports injuries. As a school nurse work for the high school health center, Each semester based on the ”Student Registration illness” as the statistics, Found the highest proportion of high school students were injured as a sports injury area, Therefore, hoping that through this study to understand the reasons of sports injuries injury location, and it is nature for the future approch of injury reduction. This study is aimed at high school students of grade 10 to grade 12 in the public high school. Students are polled randomly and handed out 440 surveys and the valid 415 are returned, which accounts for 94.3% valid percentage. According to this study, it can be concluded 3 points as follows. 1. Of all the sports events, playing basketball is the most risky sports event to cause sports injuries, which accounts for 51%. 2. The sports field is the most potential place where students tend to have sports injuries, which accounts for 80%. 3. The most potential injury type and part of the bodies are finger injuries, ankle sprains, which respectively accounts for 22% and 19%. According to the information gathered, the school sports field is one of the most potential places for students to have sports injuries. The findings in my study are rather similar to other findings in other researchers (Chen, 2007; Conn, Annest, & Gilchrist, 2003). In addition, this study proposed the awareness to stress the precautions of sports injuries. It also offers school teachers essential references to remind students of the dangers of sports injuries as well as the things that students should be aware of while taking exercise. By working altogether, this study is intended to understand and minimize the hazards to sports injuries in high school campus.


