

美國全球定位系統(GPS,Global Positioning System)於1978年首次發射、1993年成功進入全星系的完整運作,為測量技術,尤其是控制測量,帶來整體性的改變。北美大地基準(NAD83,North American Datum,1983)甚至建立於全星系完成之前。「1997臺灣大地基準」TWD97,亦為應用GPS所完成。由此,以全球衛星導航系統(GNSS,Global Navigation Satellite Systems)方法進行控制測量,成為常態作業。由於測量工作之重要性,傳統以來均針對其作業方式建置規範與標準,以確認測量成果產出之品質。在以GPS測量建置TWD97之前,內政部便於民國83年擬定「內政部辦理一等、二等衛星控制點測量作業規範」。二十八年來,GNSS已有許多逐步但是顯著的進展,不僅僅是衛星星群之增加,訊號與所使用之無線電波頻段亦有增加與調整、精進。本研究蒐集、回顧國際的相關規範、手冊,並嘗試綜整,包含日本國土交通省國土地理院發布之更新版「多GNSS測量手冊(草案)」(國土地理院技術資料G1-N0.18),該文件除手冊本體外,並有手冊之解說;中國大陸之GB/T 18314-2009「全球定位系統GPS測量規範」與GB/T 39616-2020「衛星導航系統基準站網絡實時動態測量(RTK)規範」;澳洲「Guideline for Control Survey by GNSS,Special Publication 1,version 2.2,2020」;紐西蘭「Guideline for Simplified Geodetic Control Survey,v2.1,2012」;英國「Guidelines for the Use of GNSS in Land Surveying and Mapping,2nd edition,2010」。經由本研究之探討總結,以控制測量而言,GNSS測量與數據處理的方法,包含靜態法、快速靜態法、動態法、RTK、網路型RTK,在RTK部分涵括以後處理方式進行之作業。而精密單點定位,尤其是以後處理方式進行者,或許亦可以納入考量。觀測量之多星系則納入GPS、GLONASS、Galileo、以及Beidou,QZSS是否納入,亦屬於可探討之議題。作業規定的項目中,宜有可以接受之使用接收儀等級、最少觀測時段長度、最少觀測之衛星數目。幾何圖形強度相關指標是否需要納入,則為可以再進一步思考的項目。


The first launch of GPS (Global Positioning System) by the United States in 1978, and the subsequent full constellation operation in 1993, brought a revolutionary change of surveying method, particularly for the control survey. NAD83 (North American Datum, 1983) was established even before the full constellation operation of GPS. The 1997 Taiwan Datum, TWD97 was established with GPS as well. And then, the use of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) for control survey became the standard operation and routinely exercised. Due to the importance of surveying, traditional standards are established for the operation for the quality control. Prior to the surveying work for establishing TWD97, Ministry of Interior published a standard, "the Standard for the Establishment of the First and Second Order Satellite Control Points". In the past 28 years, GNSS have experienced incremental, but significant, progresses. Not just the increase of constellations, but also the signal and frequency bands used. This study collected and analyzed GNSS related standard and guidelines from other national governments. These include, "the Multi-Constellation GNSS Survey Guideline (Draft)" and its companion detailed description book, from GSI, Japan (GSI G1-N0.18); GB/T 18314-2009 "GPS Surveying Standard", and GB/T 39616-2020 "GNSS Network RTK Standard" from mainland China; Australian "Guideline for Control Survey by GNSS, Special Publication 1, version 2.2, 2020"; New Zealand: "Guideline for Simplified Geodetic Control Survey, v2.1, 2012", United Kingdom: "Guidelines for the Use of GNSS in Land Surveying and Mapping, 2nd edition, 2010". Concluding from this study, for the control surveying, the GNSS method could be utilized include static surveying, rapid static surveying, kinematic surveying, RTK, Network RTK. For RTK and Network RTK, both real time processing and post processing are feasible. For Precise Point Positioning techniques, particularly the post-processing methods, may be included as well. Regarding to the observations, signals from GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and Beidou shall be included. Whether including QZSS may be further investigated. For the operation part, the quality level of GNSS receivers, the minimum observation period, the minimum number of satellite observed, shall be regulated. Whether the geometric configuration related indices, such as DOP, should be specified in the standard, could also be further investigated.


Kinematic survey Network RTK RTK Rapid Static survey


中國國家標準化管理委員會,2009。全球定位系統測量規範,GB/T 18314-2009。
中國國家標準化管理委員會,2020。衛星導航定位基準站網絡實時動態測量(RTK)規範,GB/T 39616-2020。
國土地理院,2020。マルチ GNSS 測量マニュアル 測量マニュアル 測量マニュアル (案)ー近代化 ー近代化 GPS、Galileo 等の活用ー,國土交通省。
國土地理院,2020a。マルチ GNSS 測量マニュアル 測量マニュアル 測量マニュアル (案)ー近代化 ー近代化 GPS、Galileo 等の活用ー,解説,國土交通省。
