  • 期刊


Research on Traditional-Simplified Characters Conversion and Textbook Compilation from the Perspective of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language


語言文字是人類溝通的工具,乃是不斷變化發展的。目前全世界使用的中文字體有正體字與簡化字兩種。在中文母語地區,臺灣使用正體字,大陸通行簡化字;非中文母語地區則兩者有之。正簡字體並存的客觀事實,使得華語學習者可能接觸或學習此兩種字體,但在教學時,正簡字體的選擇不可能也不應該強制統一。與其比較正簡字體孰優孰劣,不如探討如何讓已熟悉簡化字的華語學習者快速地學會正體字才是重點;反之亦然。既然兩岸已針對中文母語者制訂出正簡字體轉換的規範,對於華語學習者也應如此。現行華語教材如臺灣《新版實用視聽華語》、《當代中文課程》、《遠東生活華語》皆以正體字為主;大陸《當代中文》、法國《漢語語言文字啟蒙》則以簡化字為主。此外,如大陸《新實用漢語課本》、美國《中文聽說讀寫》都出版正體字與簡化字兩種版本。但上述教材並未提供正簡字體轉換與運用的真實機會,因此本研究希望能建立華語教學正簡字體轉換系統,進而編寫正簡字體轉換教材。希望使學習者在轉換的過程更加順利,並提高華語學習的效率。為達到以上研究目的,本研究首先採用內容分析法,從大陸《國際漢語教學通用課程大綱》、臺灣《華語八千詞》、法國《公立中學中文課程規定》字表、歐洲《ELBC基礎字表》等字表著手,歸納出華語教學的基本字表;再依據兩岸常用字的標準與規範—包括大陸的《通用規範漢字表》與臺灣的《常用國字標準字體表》,建立華語教學正簡字體轉換系統;最後應用上述轉換系統來編寫正簡字體轉換教材,研究工具為《華語八千詞》中的Band A詞表、中央研究院的平衡語料庫、TOCFL華語詞彙通—斷詞系統等三者,以正簡異形字為教材編寫重點,編寫使已具備簡化字基本能力之華語學習者掌握正體字的教材。本研究的主要成果有三:第一、歸納華語教學基本字表 第二、建立華語教學正簡字體轉換系統 第三、編寫華語教學正簡字體轉換教材 本研究從華語教學的視角出發,研究結果有助於華語教學者與學習者了解正簡字體的關係,並提供正簡字體轉換教與學之參考。


Language is a tool for human communication, and it is constantly evolving. At present, Chinese fonts used in the world have two types: tranditional characters and simplified characters. In the Chinese-speaking region, Taiwan uses the tranditional characters, and the Chinese mainland has simplified characters; non-Chinese native speakers have both. The objective facts of the coexistence of simple fonts make Chinese learners may touch or learn these two fonts. Since the two sides have developed a norm for the conversion of Chinese characters for Chinese native speakers, this should also be true for Chinese learners. This study first uses the content analysis method, from the Chinese mainland "International Chinese Teaching General Course Outline", Taiwan "Chinese 8,000 words", French "public high school Chinese curriculum regulations" word list, European "ELBC basic words" "Table" and other words began, summed up the basic word list of Chinese language teaching; and then based on the standards and norms of common words on both sides of the strait - including the "General Specification Chinese Character Table" in mainland China and Taiwan's "Common Chinese Character Standard Font Table", established tranditional-simplified characters conversion system; finally applying it to write the textbook of simplified font conversion, the research tool is the Band A vocabulary in " Chinese 8,000 words ", the balanced corpus of Academia Sinica, TOCFL Chinese The vocabulary-breaking-word system, etc., focuses on the textbooks, and writes textbooks for Chinese learners who have the basic ability of simplified characters. The main results of this study are three: (1) Inductive Chinese Language Teaching Basics (2) Establishing a Chinese language teaching simplified font conversion system (3) Writing Chinese language teaching textbook conversion textbook


