  • 期刊


Study of "Guang Ji Hua Wen" by Wu Di Min (Edmond Nordemann) and its research value


吳低旻(1869-1945),法國貝桑松市人,法文姓名為Edmond Nordemann,吳低旻(Ngô Đê Mân)為其越南姓名,曾有另一越南姓名為蘇能文(Tô Năng Văn)。他曾任順化國學高級中學校長、安南保護國中圻督學、寮法國保護國督學,曾編印《黎相公阮廌家訓歌》(1894)、《醫方演音歌》(1896)、重訂《金雲翹新傳》(1897)、摘譯《廣集炎文》(1898)……等二十幾部書籍,大力推動法國人學習越南國語和漢字。他於越南阮朝啟定二年(1917)以監督學政的身分,在河內出版《廣集華文》,「撮取群書並諸章程共五百零八章,分為四卷」(卷一「摘取內書」,卷二「摘取外書」,卷三「公文總覽」,卷四「黎庶通書」),則廣蒐中國漢籍、越南漢籍和中、越漢字公私文書,是19世紀末、20世紀初的重要文獻彙編。遺憾的是,目前越南學界涉及吳低旻與其作品的討論,極其有限,少數討論亦偏於他1897年重訂出版阮攸《金雲翹新傳》的國語版,以及1898年摘錄譯註的《廣集炎文》一書上。越南學界與各國漢學研究者目前對於吳低旻《廣集華文》與中、越漢籍之關係,以及這部《廣集華文》的重要文獻價值,所知有限。事實上,吳低旻1898年摘譯出版的越語教科書《廣集炎文》,大致都可以在他1917年出版的《廣集華文》找到原始漢文出處,而《廣集華文》四卷五百零八章漢文材料(含多份「別書列目」),乃是考察傳入越南的中國漢籍的珍貴管道之一,同時它所載錄的越南漢籍與中、越各式漢字公私文書,也是我們認識越南漢籍和19-20世紀越南歷史、政治、社會、生活的重要文化資產。


Wu Di Min (1869-1945) was born in the eastern French city of Besancon, his French name as Edmond Nordemann, while his Vietnam name is Wu Di Min(Ngô Đê Mân), and he had another Vietnam name as Su Neng Wen (Tô Năng Văn). He has previously served as Principal of Quốc Học-Huế High school, school inspector of Trung Kỳ at Protectorate of Annam and the educational inspector of French protectorate of Laos. He has published and translated more than a dozen of books such as Li Xiang Gong Ruan Zhi Jia Xun Ge (1894), Yi Fang Yan Yin Ge (1896), renewal of Jin Yun Qiao Xin Zhuan(1897), and Guangji Yan Wen (1898) to promote the French to learn Vietnamese language and Chinese characters vigorously. As a supervisor of the status of government, he published the Guang Ji Hua Wen in 1917 (Vietnam Ruan Chao Qi Ding two years) at Hanoi. This collection of books and statutes consist of five hundred and eight chapters, divided into four volumes (Volume 1, "Inner book"; Volume 2, "Outer book"; Volume 3, "Document Overview"; Volume 4, "Li Shu Tong Shu"). It is an important documents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by collecting Chinese literature, Vietnamese literature and also public and private documents in Chinese and Vietnamese characters extensively. Unfortunately, current discussions about Wu Di Min and his works in Vietnamese academic circle are mainly based on the re-publication of the Mandarin edition of Nguyễn Du's new biography of Jin Yun Qiao Zhuan in 1897 and the translation and annotation of the book Guang Ji Yan Wen in 1898. At present, Vietnamese scholars and sinologists from other countries have limited knowledge about the important of Wu Di Min's Guang Ji Hua Wen and the relationship between Mandarin and Vietnam books. In fact, the original sources of Guang Ji Yan Wen, a Vietnamese textbook extracted and translated by Wu Di Min in 1898, can be roughly found in his Guang Ji Hua Wen published in 1917, and four volumes of Guang Ji Hua Wen consists of five hundred and eight chapters of Chinese materials (including several book list). It was one of the precious channels for examining the Chinese books from China that were introduced into Vietnam. At the same time, the Chinese-Vietnamese and various public and private documents of Chinese characters recorded in the book are also important cultural assets for us to understand the Chinese-Vietnamese and the history, politic, society and social life of Vietnam in 19th to 20th centuries.


〔法〕教學吳低旻摘錄:《廣集炎文》(河内:1898 年)。
〔法〕教學吳低旻摘錄:《廣集炎文》(河内:d’Extrême-Orient 出版,1914 年),第三版。
〔法〕學政監督吳低旻摘錄:《廣集華文》(河内:Mạ c Đình Tư 莫庭思出版,1917 年),越南社會科學翰林院所屬漢喃研究院圖書館藏本,編號 A.1134/1-4、A.1134/5-6。
〔越〕《大南實錄正編第四紀》卷八,日本慶應義塾大學言語文化研究所複印本,1979 年4 月,頁 5858。
〔越〕阮攸著,〔法〕中圻學政監督吳低旻重訂:《金雲翹新傳》(河内:1897 年)。
