  • 期刊


Comparison and Analysis of the Chinese 8,000 Vocabulary and the NAER Chinese Vocabulary List: On the Perspective of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language


詞彙是人們溝通的重要元素,而詞表在語言教學中也具有相當的重要性,不僅可以做為語言學習、語言測驗的依據,對於課程目標、課程設計也有相當的助益。在台灣的華語教學中,華語八千詞具有相當的代表性,共計7,944詞,從2005年公布以來一直是華語教材編寫、華語測驗編制,以及華語詞彙教學的重要依據。國家教育研究院因執行教育部華語八年計畫投入華語詞表的研發,於2020年公布新詞表之後,國教院詞表正式成為臺灣華語教學的國家級標準。從華語八千詞過渡到國教院詞表,對於研究者、教學者與學習者來說應該要如何因應?據此,本文主要研究目的有二,一是分析國教院詞表與華語八千詞的共有詞數量與覆蓋率,其次探討兩者的獨有詞數量與比例,希望能提供華語教材編寫、華語測驗編制、華語詞彙教學之參考。本研究從教學角度出發,研究對象為國教院詞表與華語八千詞,比對兩詞表時以詞形為處理基準,由研究者歸納出三項具體分析原則:一、只比對詞語,不比對詞性;二、刪除多音詞,刪除多義詞;三、保留近義詞,保留兒化詞。以上從嚴認定。研究工具為Microsoft Access關聯式資料庫,依據資料庫知識探索(Knowledge Discovery in Database, KDD)的概念與流程,使用結構化查詢語言進行資料的萃取與分析。原始資料經人工校正後,國教院詞表由14,470詞修正為14,780詞,華語八千詞由7,944詞修正為7,397詞。比對國教院詞表與華語八千詞後發現,兩詞表共有詞為6,455詞,與國教院詞表總數的覆蓋率為43.67%;國教院詞表獨有詞為8,325詞,華語八千詞獨有詞為942詞,且兩詞表之級數越高,獨有詞越多,在該詞表中所佔比例也越高。了解兩詞表的共有詞與獨有詞後,熟悉華語八千詞的研究者、教學者與學習者,若能適當補充國教院詞表獨有詞,在華語教材編寫、華語測驗編制與華語詞彙教學應會有具體的助益。未來將以本研究為基礎,持續進行跨詞表、跨教材的對應華語詞語資料庫,期望為臺灣的華語教學帶來更宏觀的視野。


Vocabularies plays an essential role on people's communication. So that, the vocabulary list is very improtant in language teaching. Not only it can be used as a basis for language learning and testing, it is also quite helpful for determining the course goals and the curriculum design. In the past of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Taiwan, the Chinese 8,000 Vocabulary can be seen as a representative standard. Therefore, it is also an important basis for compiling Chinese teaching materials, compiling Chinese testing, and teaching Chinese vocabularies. Since the NAER Chinese Vocabulary List was published by the National Academy for Educational Research in 2020, it became the national standard of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Taiwan. How to transfer from the Chinese 8,000 Vocabulary to the NAER Chinese Vocabulary List is an urgent problem for researchers, teachers and learners. In this research, it has two purposes. The first is to analysis the amount of common words and the coverage between the Chinese 8,000 Vocabulary and the NAER Chinese Vocabulary List. The second is to investigate the amount of unique words and the proportion for each vocabulary list mentioned above. According to the concepts and steps of the Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) processing, the relational database and structured query language were used to extract and analyze the vocabulary lists. The results show that the amount of the common words for the two vocabulary lists is 6,455 and the coverage is 43.67%. The unique words are 8,325 for the NAER Chinese Vocabulary List, and 942 for the Chinese 8,000 Vocabulary. By understanding the common words and unique words of the two vocabulary lists have several benefits. Firstly, the researchers, teachers and learners can find out the common and different between the two vocabulary lists. Then, it can provide helps for Chinese teaching materials, compiling Chinese testing, and teaching Chinese vocabularies.


張莉萍(2004)。華語文詞彙與句型分級方式初探 I,國科會成果報告(NSC-92-2411-H-003-045)。
